EPS seminar
2 LeConte Hall

S. R. Taylor
(Australian National University)
How difficult is it to build a habitable Earth-like planet?


EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

Paul Hoffman
The Neoproterozoic Snowball Earth

SEPTEMBER 10, 1999

BASC seminar
103 Mulford Hall

Yochanan Kushnir
(Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory)
Atlantic Climate Variablity

SEPTEMBER 16, 1999

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

Ralph Keeling
(UC San Diego)
Antarctic sea ice, ocean mixing, and the origin of Pleistocene climate instability

SEPTEMBER 24, 1999

CEE seminar
240 Bechtel Engineering Center

Dan Kammen
(UC Berkeley)
Environmental impact of energy use

OCTOBER 8, 1999

CEE seminar
240 Bechtel Engineering Center

Ron Oremland
Bacteria that respire selenium and arsenic

OCTOBER 11, 1999

ESPM seminar
132 Mulford Hall

Allen Goldstein
(UC Berkeley)
Interaction Between Forest Ecosystems and Atmospheric Chemistry: A Case Study in the Sierra Nevada Mountains

OCTOBER 12, 1999

PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Joseph Francisco
(Purdue University)
Do We Really Understand the Chemistry in the Atmosphere?

OCTOBER 15, 1999

CEE seminar
240 Bechtel Engineering Center

John Reuter
(UC Davis)
MTBE in Sierra Lakes

OCTOBER 21, 1999

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

Robert Clayton
(University of Chicago)
Stardust: An experimental study of Nucleosynthesis

OCTOBER 26, 1999

PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Paul Shepson
(Purdue University)
Atmospheric Chemistry at the Air/Snow Interface

OCTOBER 27, 1999

ERG seminar
2 LeConte Hall

John Harte
(UC Berkeley)
From Molehills to Mountains: Scaling in Ecology

NOVEMBER 3, 1999

ERG seminar
2 LeConte Hall

Inez Fung
(UC Berkeley)

NOVEMBER 15, 1999

BASC seminar
90-2063 LBNL

James Murray
(University of Washington)
Variability in new biological production in the equatorial Pacific

NOVEMBER 19, 1999

CEE seminar
240 Bechtel Engineering Center

Bill Nazaroff
(UC Berkeley)
Towards understanding human exposure to airborne particles

NOVEMBER 29, 1999

ESPM seminar
132 Mulford Hall

Whendee Silver
(UC Berkeley)
Nitrogen Cycling in Wet Tropical Forests: An Exercise in Thinking Backwards

DECEMBER 8, 1999

BASC seminar
775B Tan Hall

Mark Jacobson
Revised estimates of the global direct radiative forcing of aerosols due to a physically-based treatment of elemental carbon optics

JANUARY 24, 2000

ESPM seminar
101 Morgan Hall

Oliver Chadwick
(UC Santa Barbara)
Hawaii as a Model Ecosystem

JANUARY 27, 2000

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

V. Ramanathan
(Scripps Institute of Oceanography)
Indian Ocean Experiment: New Insights into the role of Aerosols in Climate

JANUARY 31, 2000

ESPM seminar
101 Morgan Hall

James Bartolome
(UC Berkeley)
Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Vegetation Change in the California Grassland

FEBRUARY 7, 2000

ESPM seminar
101 Morgan Hall

Bruce Milne
(University of New Mexico)
Self-Organization in Landscapes: Feedback Between Terrain and Vegetation

FEBRUARY 11, 2000

LBNL seminar
90-2063, LBNL

Jim Bishop
(Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory)
The Science and Technology of Ocean Carbon Sequestration

FEBRUARY 11, 2000

CEE seminar
240 Bechtel Engineering Center

Mark Conrad
(Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory)
Isotopic Methods for Tracing biodegradation of Environmental Contaminants

FEBRUARY 16, 2000

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Glen MacDonald
18th Century Explorers, Lost Forests and Missing Russian Helicopters: Solving the Riddles of Climate Change and the Arctic

FEBRUARY 18, 2000

BASC seminar
International House

Steve Wofsey
Uptake of Atmospheric CO2 by Forests: How Much, For How Long?

FEBRUARY 23, 2000

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Rob Dunbar
(Stanford University)
Coral records of ENSO and decadal climate variability: a multi-site synthesis

FEBRUARY 24, 2000

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

Jim Bishop
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Unravelling the Ocean's Biogeochemical Pump

MARCH 3, 2000

LBNL seminar
90-2063, LBNL

Kenneth Coale
(Moss Landing Marine Laboratories)
Iron: Key to climate change and global ocean production--results from recent equatorial Pacific and southern ocean studies

MARCH 3, 2000

CEE seminar
240 Bechtel Engineering Center

Tom Young
(UC Davis)
Organic Chemical Fate in the Subsurface: the role of soil organic matter composition

MARCH 10, 2000

CEE seminar
240 Bechtel Engineering Center

Ron Hunsinger
(East Bay Municipal Utility District)
Emerging Contaminants in Drinking Water

MARCH 17, 2000

LBNL seminar
90-3148, LBNL

Peter Brewer
(Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute)
Direct experiments of the deep ocean disposal of fossil fuel CO2 using ROV technology

MARCH 20, 2000

ESPM seminar
101 Morgan Hall

Inez Fung
(UC Berkeley)
Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions: From Seasonal to Glacial Timescales

MARCH 20, 2000

IB seminar
2040 VLSB

Steve D'Hondt
(University of Rhode Island)
Marine Biological Consequences of the Cretaceous/Tertiary Mass Extinction

MARCH 23, 2000

IB seminar
2040 VLSB

Jim Ehleringer
(University of Utah)
Atmospheric CO2 , C4 Photosynthesis and Mammalian Extinctions

APRIL 10, 2000

ESPM seminar
101 Morgan Hall

Tracy Benning
(UC Berkeley)
Climate Change in the Hawaiian Islands: Predicting the Fate of Endemic Avifauna

APRIL 21, 2000

CEE seminar
240 Bechtel Engineering Center

Norman Miller
(Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory)
Modeling and Analyzing California's Hydroclimate at a Range of Space and Time Scales

APRIL 27, 2000

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

Mark Richards
(UC Berkeley)
Why Earth has Plate Tectonics, and Why Venus Doesn't

APRIL 28, 2000

CEE seminar
240 Bechtel Engineering Center

Karina Garbesi
(CSU Hayward)
Energy Options in a Warming World

MAY 4, 2000

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

Clifford Riebe
(UC Berkeley)
Tectonic and Climatic Control of Denudation Rates in the Sierra Nevada Inferred from Cosmogenic Nuclides


LBNL seminar
90-1099, LBNL

V. Venugopal
(Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies)
Integrating Climate and Hydrologic models: Quantifying Subgrid Scale Rainfall Variability by statistical downscaling


PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Ron Cohen
(UC Berkeley)
Nitrogen Oxides, Temperature and Tropospheric Ozone


Physics seminar
2 Le Conte Hall

Garry Brewer
(UC Berkeley)
Human Dimensions of High-Valued Ecosystems: Jackson Hole, the Tetons, and Beyond

SEPTEMBER 13, 2000

BASC seminar
775B Tan Hall

Mike McCarthy
(UC Berkeley)
Modeling the Photochemical Isotope Fractionation in Methane

OCTOBER 11, 2000

BASC seminar
775B Tan Hall

Jeanne Panek
(UC Berkeley)
Growing up in the Ozone: Forests and Air Pollution in the Sierra Nevada Mountains

NOVEMBER 8, 2000

BASC seminar
775B Tan Hall

Steve Mende
(Space Sciences Lab)

NOVEMBER 13, 2000

ESPM seminar
103 Mulford Hall

Brennan Van Dyke
Global warming,ozone layer depletion, ocean pollution and contamination from persistantorganic pollutants

DECEMBER 4, 2000

Law seminar
Booth Auditorium, Boalt Hall

Daniel Bodansky
(U.S. Department of State)
A Climate Change Update: What Happened in the Hague and What Comes Next

JANUARY 26, 2001

cee seminar
240 Bechtel Engineering Center

Donald Stedman
(University of Denver)
Roadside remote sensing of vehicle exhaust emissions

FEBRUARY 12, 2001

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

John Chiang
(Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University)
The Intertropical Convergence Zone in Tropical Atlantic Climate Variability

FEBRUARY 14, 2001

University seminar
223 Moses Hall

Odigha Odigha
(Non-Governmental Organization Coalition for the Environment, Nigeria)
Saving Nigeria's Last Tropical Rainforest

FEBRUARY 14, 2001

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Gerard Roe

FEBRUARY 20, 2001

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Heidi Cullen
(Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University)
Impacts of Large-scale Climate Variability on Water Resources: Lessons from the Middle East and South America

FEBRUARY 22, 2001

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Robert Rhew
(Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD)
Hunt for the Missing Sources of Methyl Bromide and Methyl Chloride

FEBRUARY 26, 2001

ESPM seminar
101 Morgan Hall

Kyaw Tha Paw U
(UC San Diego)
Micrometeorological Estimates of Carbon Flux and other Exchanges at a 500 year old Temperate Rainforest

MARCH 2, 2001

ESPM seminar
103 Mulford Hall

Rick Firestone
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Did a Supernova in Paleo-Indian Times Reset the Radiocarbon Clock

APRIL 6, 2001

University seminar
155 Dwinelle Hall

Sir Robert May
(Royal Society of the UK Academy of Sciences)
Science, Policy and Public Attitudes - Conducting the Dialogue about Risk, Scientific Uncertainty, and the Public

APRIL 13, 2001

BASC seminar
Sibley Auditorium

Michael Bender
The Role of the Biosphere in Ice Age Climate Change

APRIL 16, 2001

ESPM seminar
103 Mulford Hall

Manuel Lerdau
(State University of New York)
The Physiological Biogeochemistry of Isoprene Emission from Plants

APRIL 18, 2001

BASC seminar
775B Tan Hall

Chris Still
(UC Berkeley)
Trends in the oxygen isotopic composition of atmospheric CO2

SEPTEMBER 19, 2001

PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Ronald C. Cohen
(UC Berkeley)
A Longer Life for Atmospheric Peroxy Radicals: Implications for Controlling Ozone

SEPTEMBER 20, 2001

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

Richard Muller
(UC Berkeley)
Paleoclimate and Astrophysics: mysteries and clues

SEPTEMBER 21, 2001

LBNL seminar
50A-5132, LBNL

Inez Fung
(UC Berkeley)
How fast will the world warm?

SEPTEMBER 25, 2001

PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Ronald C. Cohen
(UC Berkeley)
Found: The missing NOy

OCTOBER 4, 2001

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

Paul Koch
(UC Santa Cruz)
Methane, "Monkeys", and Migration: Testing Biogeographic and Climatic Hypotheses about the Origin of Modern Mammal Orders near the Paleocene/Eocene Boundary

OCTOBER 9, 2001

PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Lucy Ziurys
(University of Arizona)
From Organometallic Chemistry to Interstellar Matter: High Resolution Spectroscopy of Metal Bearing Species

OCTOBER 11, 2001

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

David Archer
(University of Chicago)
What caused the glacial/interglacial pCO2 cycles?

NOVEMBER 1, 2001

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

Conway Leovy
(University of Washington)
Wind, sand, and ice: Evolution of the surface of Mars

NOVEMBER 29, 2001

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

Fred T. Mackenzie
(University of Hawaii)
The Global Coastal Ocean: Past, Present and Future of Environmental Change

DECEMBER 6, 2001

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

Inez Fung
(UC Berkeley)
Climate Change Science: An Analysis of Some Key Questions

FEBRUARY 25, 2002

BASC seminar
265 McCone Hall

David Battisti
(University of Washington)
Mechanisms for Abrupt Climate Change: Past and Future

FEBRUARY 25, 2002

Physics seminar
1 LeConte Hall

Phil Marcus
(UC Berkeley)
Prediction of a Global Change on Jupiter

FEBRUARY 25, 2002

ESPM seminar
159 Mulford Hall

Dennis Baldocchi
(UC Berkeley)
Is a Forest the Sum of its Parts? Integrating Fluxes of Carbon Dioxide and Water Vapor from Leaf to Canopy Dimensions across Hour to Decadal Time Scales

MARCH 4, 2002

SSL seminar

Hugh J. Christian, Jr.
(National Space Science and Technology Center)
Lightning Activity and Severe Weather

MARCH 7, 2002

Physics seminar
141 McCone Hall

David Archer
(University of Chicago)
The Role of Deep Ocean Temperature in the Glacial/Interglacial Climate and Carbon Cycles

MARCH 11, 2002

ESPM seminar
159 Mulford Hall

Richard Waring
(Oregon State University)
Predicting Woody Plant Biomass from Seasonal Ratios of Photosynthesis

MARCH 12, 2002

PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall

T.Y. Lee
(Academia Sinica)
Photochemistry of Aromatic Hydrocarbons

APRIL 3, 2002

BASC seminar
775 Tan Hall

Sebastien Biraud
(UC Berkeley)
Quantification of CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions over Ireland from atmospheric observations at Mace Head and radon-222 efflux measurements

APRIL 9, 2002

BASC seminar
401 McCone Hall

Xiang Gao
(University of Arizona)
MODIS Vegetation Index products and their relationships to biophysical variables

APRIL 16, 2002

PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Mario J. Molina
Surface Chemistry of Atmospheric Aerosols

APRIL 22, 2002

ESPM seminar
159 Mulford Hall

Chris Field
(Carnegie Institute of Washington)
Carbon cycle update

APRIL 22, 2002

BASC seminar
265 McCone Hall

Jorge L. Sarmiento
Different aspects of the contemporary carbon cycle

APRIL 26, 2002

LBNL seminar
90-2063, LBNL

Yongyun Hu
(University of Washington)
Interannual and Decadal Variations of Planetary-Wave Activitiy, Northern-Hemisphere Annular Mode, and Stratospheric Cooling

APRIL 29, 2002

LBNL seminar
90-1099, LBNL

David J. Gochis
(University of Arizona, Tucson)
Modeled Sensitivities of the North American Monsoon

APRIL 29, 2002

PChem seminar
159 Mulford Hall

Jingming Chen
(University of Toronto)
Carbon cycling in Canada. Host: Peng Gong

MAY 2, 2002

BASC seminar
401 McCone Hall

Wolfgang Buermann
(Boston University)
Circulation Anomalies Explain Interannual Covariablilty in Northern Hemisphere Temperatures and Greenness

AUGUST 29, 2002

University seminar

Benjamin Santer
Detecting climate change and tropopause height as climate change detection and attribution variable

SEPTEMBER 12, 2002

University seminar
132 Mulford Hall

Pedro Sanchez
(Winner of 2002 World Food Prize)

SEPTEMBER 17, 2002

Physics seminar
10 Evans Hall

Stephen Schneider
The Glogal Warming Debate: Separating the Scientific Signal from the Political Noise

SEPTEMBER 18, 2002

Theology seminar
2400 Ridge Road

Inez Fung
(UC Berkeley)
The science of Global Warming: Measuring Human Impacts

SEPTEMBER 25, 2002

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Jess Adkins
The temperature, salinity, and del 18 O of the glacial deep ocean

OCTOBER 8, 2002

BASC seminar
401 McCone Hall

Inez Fung
(UC Berkeley)
Introductory General Circulation Model

OCTOBER 16, 2002

University seminar
180 Tan Hall

Rex Walheim
(NASA Astronaut)

NOVEMBER 1, 2002

LBNL seminar
Building 50 Auditorium, LBNL

Stephen Pacala
The North American Carbon Sink

NOVEMBER 18, 2002

BASC seminar
1 LeConte Hall

Edward Lorenz
Simple Hamiltonian Chaos

NOVEMBER 19, 2002

BASC seminar
891 Evans Hall

Edward Lorenz
Limitations to Predictability

NOVEMBER 19, 2002

PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Jonathan Abbatt
(University of Toronto)
Organic Aerosol Particles in the Atmosphere: Chemistry and Cloud Nucleating Abilities

NOVEMBER 21, 2002

BASC seminar
Sibley Auditorium Hall

Edward Lorenz
Designing Chaotic Systems

DECEMBER 4, 2002

ESPM seminar
251C Hilgard Hall

Joost De Gouw
PTR-MS measurements of organic compounds in the atmosphere

DECEMBER 6, 2002

LBNL seminar
50A-5132, LBNL

Tetsuya Sato
(Japan Marine Science and Technology)
The Earth Simulator

JANUARY 9, 2003

University seminar
112 Hilgard Hall

Jim Randerson
Fire and the Global Carbon Cycle

FEBRUARY 4, 2003

PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Paul O. Wennberg
Whither OH? Trends in Methyl Chloroform and Inference of Changes in the Oxidation Capacity of the Atmosphere

FEBRUARY 5, 2003

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

John Chiang
(UC Berkeley)
The "meridional mode" of ocean-atmosphere variability: Application to the tropical Pacific, and to the tropical Atlantic climate during Last Glacial Maximum

FEBRUARY 7, 2003

CEE seminar
Room 240, Bechtel Engineering Center

Kosta P. Georgakakos
Probabilistic climate model diagnostics for hydrologic and water resources impacts studies

FEBRUARY 10, 2003

ESPM seminar
4110 VLSB

Yiqi Luo
(University of Oklahoma)
A perturbation-response approach to study atmosphere-biosphere interactions under global change

FEBRUARY 24, 2003

ESPM seminar
4110 VLSB

Charles Koven
(UC Berkeley)
Fitting local geomorphology into the global dust cycle.

FEBRUARY 26, 2003

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Adina Paytan
(Stanford University)
Glacial Interglacial Export Production Fluctuations and Global Climate Change

FEBRUARY 26, 2003

University seminar
1011 Evans Hall

Ben Santer
Some Statistical Issues Relevant to the Detection of Human-Induced Climate Change

MARCH 3, 2003

ESPM seminar
4110 VLSB

Stephanie Ewing
(UC Berkeley)
Isotopic investigations of the biogeochemistry of soils in the Atacama Desert.

MARCH 5, 2003

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Yochanan Kushnir
(LDEO, Columbia University)
Mechanism of Hemispherically Symmetric Climate Variability

MARCH 13, 2003

PChem seminar
435 Latimer Hall

Karlheinz Ballschmiter
(University of Ulm)
Organic Nitrates: A Complex Family of Atmospheric Trace Constituents

MARCH 17, 2003

Physics seminar
1 LeConte Hall

Inez Fung
(UC Berkeley)
The Global Carbon Cycle and the Feasibility of Space-Borne CO2 Observations

MARCH 18, 2003

PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Michael Hoffman
Photochemistry in ice: Nitric acid photolysis and the production of NO2 and NO

APRIL 7, 2003

ESPM seminar
4110 VLSB

Dylan Millet
(UC Berkeley)
Atmospheric measurements at Trinidad Head, CA: Trans-pacific transport vs. local anthropogenic and biogenic emissions

APRIL 16, 2003

LBNL seminar
90-2063, LBNL

Scott Denning
(Colorado State University)
How Regional Studies Can Help us Understand the Global Carbon Cycle

APRIL 21, 2003

ESPM seminar
4110 VLSB

Matt Fantle
(UC Berkeley)
Fe isotopes in soils and weathering environments

MAY 1, 2003

ESPM seminar
103 Mulford Hall

Yadvinder Malhi
(University of Edinburgh)
Carbon Balance and Carbon Exchange of Tropical Forests

MAY 13, 2003

University seminar
112 Hilgard Hall

Alex Guenther
Organic Emissions from Boreal, Temperate and Tropical Vegetation and their Role in Climate and Air Quality

MAY 29, 2003

University seminar
112 Hilgard Hall

Steven Cliff
(UC Davis)
Atmospheric Aerosols: From Air Quality to Global Climate


ESPM seminar
110 Barrows Hall

Karen Seto
A Tale of Two Deltas: Drivers and Outcomes of Land-Use Change in Vietnam and China

SEPTEMBER 11, 2003

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

John Chiang
(UC Berkeley)
How does El Nino impact the climate over tropical regions outside the Pacific? A proposed mechanism based on El Nino's control over tropospheric temperature

SEPTEMBER 17, 2003

ESPM seminar
110 Barrows Hall

Pat O'Brien
(Chevron Texaco)
Biodiversity and the Oil and Gas Industry: The Energy and Biodiversity Initiative

OCTOBER 1, 2003

BASC seminar
775B Tan Hall

Rupert Holzinger
(UC Berkeley)
Large vertical gradients indicate emission, photochemical production, deposition, or a combination for a wide variety of organic trace gases in a Ponderosa Pine plantation in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California.

OCTOBER 1, 2003

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Rob Rhew
(UC Berkeley)
A gene for stratospheric ozone loss? Genetic control of methyl halide production in Arabidopsis

OCTOBER 2, 2003

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

Jeff Severinghaus
Abrupt changes in the Earth's climate recorded in air bubbles in polar ice

OCTOBER 6, 2003

Physics seminar
375 Birge Hall

Nir Shaviv
(375 Birge Hall Nir Shaviv)
The Milky Way, Cosmic Rays and Climate

OCTOBER 8, 2003

ESPM seminar
110 Barrows Hall

Richard Norgaard
(UC Berkeley)
Collectively Seeing Complex Systems

OCTOBER 9, 2003

ESPM seminar
101 LSA

Dave Schimel
Carbon in all the Wrong Places: The Role of Complex Terrain in Mid-Latitude Carbon Budgets

OCTOBER 22, 2003

ESPM seminar
110 Barrows Hall

David Keith
(Carnegie Mellon University)
Does Renewability matter? Climate Change and the Future of Energy Systems

OCTOBER 27, 2003

ESPM seminar
159 Mulford Hall

Allen Goldstein
(UC Berkeley)
Chemical Interactions Between Forests and the Atmosphere

OCTOBER 29, 2003

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Nate Mantua
(University of Washington)
Decades long El Nino-like climate variations: the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and its impacts on marine and terrestrial systems

NOVEMBER 24, 2003

ESPM seminar
159 Mulford Hall

Greg Asner
Woody Encroachment and Desertification: Assessments Using Remote Sensing and Carbon Isotopes

DECEMBER 1, 2003

ESPM seminar
159 Mulford Hall

Jianwu Tang
(UC Berkeley)
Spatial and Temporal Variation and Driving Factors of Soil Respiration in Forest and Savanna Ecosystems in California

DECEMBER 2, 2003

PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Marcia B. Baker
(University of Washington)
A New Look at Homogeneous Freezing of Ice

DECEMBER 4, 2003

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

Kristie Boering
(UC Berkeley)
Unusual isotope effects, greenhouse gases, and climate: From the molecular to the global scale

DECEMBER 5, 2003

PChem seminar
775B Tan Hall

Barbara Noziere
(University of Miami)
Detection and chemistry of organic peroxyl radicals in the atmosphere

DECEMBER 16, 2003

LBNL seminar
90-2063, LBNL

Susan Ustin
(UC Davis)
Optical Remote Sensing Measurements of Environmental Processes:State of the Science and New Directions

DECEMBER 17, 2003

SSL seminar
Space Sciences Lab

Carl Christensen
(Oxford University Computing Laboratory)
Distributed Computing and Climate Forecasting With

JANUARY 7, 2004

LBNL seminar
50B-4205, LBNL

John Baumgardner
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Next Generation Global Ocean Models

JANUARY 22, 2004

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

Jerry Mitrovica
(University of Toronto)
Sea Level Fingerprints and Climate Dominoes

JANUARY 26, 2004

ESPM seminar
159 Mulford Hall

Todd Dawson
(UC Berkeley)
California's Coast Redwood and the Land Sea Interface

JANUARY 27, 2004

Physics seminar
385 LeConte Hall

Gary Rottman
(University of Colorado at Boulder)
Solar Radiation and its Effect on our Atmosphere and Climate

JANUARY 28, 2004

ESPM seminar
110 Barrows Hall

John Harte
(UC Berkeley)
Predicting Climate Change on a Green Planet: A Daunting Challenge.

FEBRUARY 12, 2004

LBNL seminar
90-4108, LBNL

Michael D. Dettinger
The future of California water -- What are the climate models trying to tell us?

MARCH 3, 2004

ESPM seminar
110 Barrows Hall

Scott Saleska
(Harvard University)
Carbon balance and seasonality in an old-growth Amazon forest: seeing both the forest and the trees

MARCH 4, 2004

University seminar
2040 VLSB

Robert Spicer
(The Open University)
Foliar Physiognomy and Earth Systems Science

MARCH 5, 2004

BASC seminar
141 McCone Hall

Meinrat O. Andreae
(Max Planck Institute for Chemistry)
Smoking clouds and other aerosol effects on climate

MARCH 12, 2004

CEE seminar
240 Bechtel Hall

Mark Jacobson
Climate and air pollution effects of diesel vehicles, and the impact of particle traps and NOx filters

MARCH 17, 2004

ESPM seminar
110 Barrows Hall

Sally Benson
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
Geologic Carbon Sequestration: Current Research Challenges

MARCH 18, 2004

ESPM seminar
Booth Auditorium, Boalt Law School Hall

Carol Browner
What's up with Environment in DC: Unfortunately, Not Much

MARCH 26, 2004

LBNL seminar
90-1099, LBNL

Jiming Jin
On the Development and Testing of a Coupled Regional Climate Model with an Advanced Land Surface Model

MARCH 31, 2004

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Michael Evans
(University of Arizona)
A stable isotope approach to tropical dendroclimatology

APRIL 9, 2004

LBNL seminar
90-2063, LBNL

Reed Maxwell
On the Development and Testing of an Advanced Land Surface Model with a Dynamic Groundwater Model

APRIL 20, 2004

PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Jurgen Troe
Towards a quantitative understanding of key reactions in atmospheric and combustion chemistry

APRIL 22, 2004

ESPM seminar
103 Mulford Hall

Niels Otto Jenson
Interannual variation in carbon uptake by a deciduous forest and a comparison to the uptake of a coniferous forest in Denmark

MAY 6, 2004

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

Lynn Ingram
(UC Berkeley)
California climate variability and extreme climate events during the Late Holocene


ERG seminar
20 Barrows Hall

Inez Fung
(UC Berkeley)
Will the Warming Feed the Warming: Analysis of Carbon-Climate Interactions in a Coupled GCM


EPS seminar
2 LeConte Hall

Philip Marcus
(UC Berkeley)
Predictions of a Global Climate Change on Jupiter and Implications for Earth

SEPTEMBER 13, 2004

ESPM seminar
159 Mulford Hall

David Abernathy
Trends in Non-Governmental Organizations' Development and Relief Work

SEPTEMBER 14, 2004

LBNL seminar
90-3148, LBNL

Hermann Held
(Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact Research)
Assessment of Climatic Change Mitigation Options Under Risk and Uncertainty

SEPTEMBER 21, 2004

PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Kim Prather
(UC San Diego)
Measuring Particles One by One: What New Things Can We Learn?

SEPTEMBER 29, 2004

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Todd Mitchell
(University of Washington)
Are El Ninos becoming more pervasive?

OCTOBER 5, 2004

PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Kristie Boering
(UC Berkeley)
Carbon Dioxide and Unusual Isotope Effects: From Single Collisions to Global Climate Change

OCTOBER 27, 2004

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

James White
(University of Colorado)

NOVEMBER 4, 2004

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

Jim McWilliams
Effects of Surface Gravity Waves on Winds, Currents, and Materials

NOVEMBER 8, 2004

Physics seminar
1 LeConte Hall

John Harte
(UC Berkeley)
Predicting Climate Change on a Green Planet: A Daunting Challenge

NOVEMBER 15, 2004

Physics seminar
1 LeConte Hall

Marcia McNutt
(Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute)
Engineering the Ocean

JANUARY 31, 2005

Nuclear seminar
3105 Etcheverry Hall

John Shinn
Implications of the Kyoto Protocol and Beyond

JANUARY 31, 2005

ESPM seminar
159 Mulford Hall

Michael Keller
Selective Logging in the Amazon Region of Brazil: Carbon Budgets, Biogeochemical Cycles, and Prospects for Sustainability

FEBRUARY 2, 2005

Geochemistry seminar
401 McCone Hall

Alexandra Turchyn
(Harvard University)
Oxygen Isotopes in Marine Sulfate: A window into coupled biogeochemical cycles

FEBRUARY 8, 2005

CAMFER seminar
130 Mulford Hall

Ralph Kahn
What MISR Multi-Angle Imaging Contributes to Our Picture of Atmospheric Aerosols

MARCH 11, 2005

CEE seminar
240A Bechtel Hall

Inez Fung
(UC Berkeley)
Atmospheric Water: Three perspectives from a climate model

MARCH 17, 2005

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

Sunyoung Park
(UC Berkeley)
Measurements of N2O isotopologues (15N14NO, 14N15NO and N218O): Insights into global biogeochemical cycling and atmospheric chemistry and transport

MARCH 29, 2005

PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Rudy Marcus
The Mass-Independent Oxygen Isotope Effect in Stratospheric Ozone and in the Earliest Solids in the Solar System

MARCH 30, 2005

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Ian Faloona
(UC Davis)
Coastal Carbon Monoxide: Combustion, Chromophores, and Climate

APRIL 12, 2005

PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Jim Anderson
(Harvard University)
Of Molecules and Climate Forecasts: Transition State Theory, Fluctuation-Dissipation, and Spectroscopy

APRIL 13, 2005

ERG seminar
20 Barrows Hall

Julian Marshall
(UC Berkeley)
Urban Planning, Air Quality, and Health

APRIL 27, 2005

BASC seminar
141 McCone Hall

William Ruddiman
(University of Virginia)
Human influences on global climate began thousands of years ago

APRIL 28, 2005

BASC seminar
141 McCone Hall

William Ruddiman
(University of Virginia)
Anthropogenic forcing of the cooling into the little ice age

SEPTEMBER 12, 2005

BASC seminar
775B Tan Hall

Carl Brenninkmeijer
(Max Planck Institute for Atmospheric Chemistry)
CARIBIC, a flying analytical atmospheric chemistry laboratory

SEPTEMBER 15, 2005

EPS seminar
1 LeConte Hall

Andrew Ingersoll
Dynamics of Giant Planet Atmospheres

SEPTEMBER 15, 2005

University seminar
315 Wheeler Hall

Sir David King
(Chief Science Advisor to Prime Minister Tony Blair)
Climate Change: The International Perspective

SEPTEMBER 16, 2005

LBNL seminar
90-3148, LBNL

Daniel Rosenfeld
(Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
The role of air pollution in decreasing trends of orographic precipitation and respective water resources

SEPTEMBER 19, 2005

ESPM seminar
159 Mulford Hall

Dennis Baldocchi
(UC Berkeley)
The roles of switches, pulses and lags on the dynamics of biosphere-atmosphere trace gas exchange

SEPTEMBER 26, 2005

BASC seminar
775B Tan Hall

Allison Steiner
(UC Berkeley)
Impact of climate change on air quality in California

SEPTEMBER 29, 2005

University seminar
3110 Etcheverry Hall

Robert Scott
(University of Texas, Austin)
Quantifying oceanic turbulence using satellite-based radar altimetry

OCTOBER 7, 2005

CEE seminar
240A Bechtel Hall

Brett Singer
Giant bed saves woman from toxic cloud and other tales of organic gas sorption on residential materials

OCTOBER 12, 2005

ESPM seminar
110 Barrows Hall

Lisa Curran
Drivers of land use change across two tropical frontiers in Borneo and Brazil: Importance of governance for carbon emissions and biodiversity

OCTOBER 14, 2005

CEE seminar
240A Bechtel Hall

William Riley
Estimating regional-scale surface CO2 and energy exchanges using a combination of bottom-up and top-down approaches

OCTOBER 24, 2005

ESPM seminar
159 Mulford Hall

John Lin
(Colorado State University)
How do we learn about terrestrial sources and sinks of carbon?

OCTOBER 25, 2005

LBNL seminar
90-3148, LBNL

Matthias Cuntz
(Research School of Biological Sciences, Australia)
Saving private Dongmann - non-steady-state leaf water isotope enrichment

OCTOBER 28, 2005

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Elizabeth Moyer
(Harvard University)
Tracking the sources of stratospheric water: new measurements of isotopic markers of deep convection

OCTOBER 31, 2005

BASC seminar
775B Tan Hall

Stephanie Ewing
(UC Berkeley)
Driest Atacama Desert soils store two million years of atmospheric deposition

NOVEMBER 1, 2005

University seminar
251C Hilgard Hall

Dr. Mark Potosnak
(Desert Research Institute)
Fluxes of isoprene and monoterpenes from a tundra ecosystem and potential impacts on polar tropospheric chemistry

NOVEMBER 18, 2005

CEE seminar
240A Bechtel Hall

Michael Kleeman
(UC Davis)
Source contributions to airborne secondary particulate matter in California

NOVEMBER 18, 2005

BASC seminar
775 Tan Hall

Juliane Fry
Kinetics and spectroscopy of peroxynitrous acid (HOONO) and hydroxymethyl hydroperoxide (HOCH2OOH)

NOVEMBER 28, 2005

BASC seminar
775B Tan Hall

Hugo Lambert
(UC Berkeley)
20th Century Land and Ocean Precipitation

NOVEMBER 30, 2005

LBNL seminar
ALS Conference Room, LBNL

Doug Worsnop
(Aerodyne Research, Inc.)
Aerosol Mass Spectrometry: What have we learned about atmospheric aerosol chemistry?

NOVEMBER 30, 2005

ESPM seminar
110 Barrows Hall

Julio Friedmann
Thinking big: The challenge of carbon capture and storage as a greenhouse gas abatement strategy

DECEMBER 7, 2005

ESPM seminar
110 Barrows Hall

Stephen Chu
Research Areas in the Search for Sustainable CO2 Neutral Energy

DECEMBER 12, 2005

LBNL seminar
90-4133, LBNL

Drew Shindell
New results from chemistry and climate modeling with the GISS GCM

JANUARY 25, 2006

University seminar
714C University Hall

Jun Wu
Modeling human exposure to vehicle-related and other air pollutants

JANUARY 26, 2006

University seminar
90-2063, LBNL

Govindasamy Bala
Coupled climate and carbon cycle modelings at LLNL: progress and challenges

JANUARY 30, 2006

ESPM seminar
775B Tan Hall

Stephanie Shaw
(UC Berkeley)
Oceanic Sources of VOC to the Atmosphere

FEBRUARY 1, 2006

ESPM seminar
110 Barrows Hall

Whitney Colella
Switching to a U.S. Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle Fleet: The Resultant Change in Emissions, Energy Use, and Global Warming Gases

FEBRUARY 1, 2006

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Connie Millar
(Sierra Nevada Research Center)
Late Holocene Forest Dynamics, Volcanism, and Climate Change, Glass Creek Watershed, Eastern Sierra Nevada

FEBRUARY 2, 2006

University seminar
112 Hilgard Hall

Ray Leuning
Land surface evaporation from flux towers and MODIS remote sensing

FEBRUARY 6, 2006

University seminar
714C University Hall

Michael Jerrett
(University of Southern California)
Spatial Analysis of Traffic-generated Air Pollution and Mortality in Toronto

FEBRUARY 14, 2006

University seminar
714C University Hall

Julian Marshall
(University of British Columbia)
Inhalation of motor vehicle emissions in urban environments

FEBRUARY 24, 2006

CEE seminar
406 Davis Hall

Branko Kosovic
Methodology for Solving Inverse Problems in Atmospheric Dispersion

FEBRUARY 27, 2006

BASC seminar
775B Tan Hall

Amanda Cole
(UC Berkeley)
The triple oxygen isotopic composition of stratospheric CO2: New insights from experiments and modeling

MARCH 8, 2006

ESPM seminar
110 Barrows Hall

Lisa Curran
Drivers of land use change across two tropical frontiers in Borneo and Brazil: Importance of governance for carbon emissions and biodiversity

MARCH 15, 2006

ESPM seminar
110 Barrows Hall

Inez Fung
(UC Berkeley)
Plants and Climate Change

MARCH 20, 2006

BASC seminar
775B Tan Hall

Yit Arn Teh
(UC Berkeley)

APRIL 7, 2006

CEE seminar
406 Davis Hall

John Little
(Virginia Tech)
Emissions of VOCs and SVOCs from Consumer Products and Building Materials

APRIL 17, 2006

ESPM seminar
Sibley Auditorium Hall

Robert F. Sawyer
(California Air Resources Board)
From science to regulation - Clearing the air in California

APRIL 24, 2006

BASC seminar
775B Tan Hall

James Dorsey
(UC Berkeley)

APRIL 28, 2006

CEE seminar
406 Davis Hall

Patrick Sullivan
(Forensic Management Associates, Inc.)
Synthetic Chemicals in the food, water, and air of 40 American cities


PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Piergiorgio Casavecchia
(University of Perugia)
Radical-Molecule and Radical-Radical Reaction Dynamics by Crossed Molecular Beams with 'Soft' Ionization Detection: From Combustion to Astrochemistry

SEPTEMBER 15, 2006

University seminar
Andersen Auditorium, Haas

Carol Browner
Energy Policy for the 21st Century

SEPTEMBER 27, 2006

University seminar
355 Goldman School of Public Policy

Peter Hess
From Science to Regulation: Air Quality Successes and Challenges

SEPTEMBER 28, 2006

BASC seminar
Sibley Auditorium

Kerry Emanuel
Hurricanes and Climate Change

OCTOBER 13, 2006

CEE seminar
240 Bechtel Center

Reed Maxwell
The interdependence between groundwater flow, shallow soil moisture and the atmospheric boundary layer

OCTOBER 31, 2006

LBNL seminar
50A-5132 Conference Room, LBNL

Damon Matthews
(Carnegie Mellon University)
Coupling Climate and the Carbon Cycle: Implications for Future Climate Change

NOVEMBER 8, 2006

University seminar
355 Goldman School of Public Policy

Inez Fung
(UC Berkeley)
Climate Change Science and the Supreme Court

NOVEMBER 8, 2006

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Kurt Cuffey
(UC Berkeley)
Global warming, the hockey-stick controversy, and the IPCC

NOVEMBER 14, 2006

ESPM seminar
103 Mulford Hall

Neil Donahue
(Carnegie Mellon University)
Limonene Oxidation as a Model for Gas-Phase and Mixed-Phase Production of Secondary Organic Aerosol

NOVEMBER 14, 2006

PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Barbara Finlayson-Pitts
(UC Irvine)
Troposphere: Unique Challenges and Opportunities for Us All

NOVEMBER 15, 2006

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Larry Smith
Russia's vast northern peatlands: A key player in Global Change

JANUARY 16, 2007

PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Allen Goldstein
(UC Berkeley)
Known and Unexplored Organic Constituents in the Earth's Atmosphere

JANUARY 18, 2007

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

Peter John Huybers
Glacial variability over the last two million years: continuousobliquity pacing and the Pleistocene progression

JANUARY 31, 2007

ESPM seminar
110 Barrows Hall

Max Auffhammer
(UC Berkeley)
Reductions in Aerosol Pollution and Greenhouse Gases: Potential Benefits to Indian Agriculture

FEBRUARY 14, 2007

ESPM seminar
110 Barrows Hall

David Purkey
(Stockholm Environmental Institute)
Using Models to Understand the Implications of Climate Change on Water Management

FEBRUARY 27, 2007

BASC seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Heather Allen
(Ohio State University)
Structure at Air-Aqueous Interfaces: Salts, Acids, Lipids, and Water

FEBRUARY 28, 2007

ESPM seminar
110 Barrows Hall

Harvey Lam
Good Enough Tools for Global Warming Policy Making

MARCH 7, 2007

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Walter Oechel
(San Diego State University)
Climate Change, Carbon, and Arctic Ecosystems: Is it already too late?

APRIL 6, 2007

CEE seminar
406 Davis Hall

Linsey Marr
(Virginia Tech)
Air Quality Engineering at the Nano, Micro, and Mega Scales

APRIL 20, 2007

CEE seminar
406 Davis Hall

Chin-Hoh Moeng
Large-Eddy Simulation for Planetary-Boundary-Layer Research


ESPM seminar
110 Barrows Hall

Satis Arnold
(Murdoch University)
Australia Confronts Climate Change


CEE seminar
406 Davis Hall

Allen Goldstein
(UC Berkeley)
Known and Unexplored Organic Constituents in the Earth's Atmosphere

SEPTEMBER 10, 2007

ESPM seminar
101 Morgan Hall

John Harte
Biotic Feedbacks to Local and Global Climate Change

SEPTEMBER 12, 2007

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Sarah Knuth
(UC Berkeley)
Combating Global Warming in Philadelphia: Towards a People's Climate Policy?

SEPTEMBER 12, 2007

ESPM seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Lee Lynd
Energy Biotechnology: Anticipating a Revolution

SEPTEMBER 20, 2007

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

William Collins
The Roles of Solar Absorption in Climate and Climate Change

SEPTEMBER 21, 2007

CEE seminar
406 Davis Hall

Robert Sawyer
(UC Berkeley)
California's Program to Reduce Light-duty Motor Vehicle Greenhouse Gas Emissions

SEPTEMBER 26, 2007

ESPM seminar
110 Barrows Hall

Lee Schipper
Mass Transport or Transport for the Masses? The threats and opportunities from hyper motorization in China, India and Vietnam

SEPTEMBER 28, 2007

CEE seminar
406 Davis Hall

William Collins
What Climate Models Can and Cannot Do to Help Us Understand Future Climate Change

OCTOBER 4, 2007

BASC seminar
141 McCone Hall

Isaac Held
The response of the hydrological cycle to global warming

OCTOBER 5, 2007

CEE seminar
406 Davis Hall

Steve Margulis
Toward the Characterization of Snowpack from Space-Borne Satellite Measurements: A Multi-Frequency Multi-Scale Data Assimilation Approach

OCTOBER 10, 2007

ESPM seminar
110 Barrows Hall

Chris Somerville
(UC Berkeley)
Technical Issues Associated with the Development of Lignocellulosic Biofuels

OCTOBER 17, 2007

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Thomas Molg
(University of Innsbruck)

OCTOBER 17, 2007

ESPM seminar
110 Barrows Hall

Ananth Chikkatur
Coal and India's Energy Future

OCTOBER 24, 2007

University seminar
Sibley Auditorium

Phil Marcus
(UC Berkeley)
Jupiter's New Red Spot: A Thermometer for Climate Change on Another Planet?

OCTOBER 29, 2007

PChem seminar
101 Morgan Hall

Peter Maass
(UC Berkeley)
The Amazon v. Big Oil.

OCTOBER 31, 2007

ESPM seminar
110 Barrows Hall

Alex Farrell
(UC Berkeley)
Biofuels in the 21st Century

NOVEMBER 13, 2007

PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Ruth Signorell
(University of British Columbia)
Spectroscopic Properties of Aerosols and Their Microscopic Origin

NOVEMBER 14, 2007

University seminar
Sibley Auditorium

Robert Dibble
(UC Berkeley)
Power to the People: Approaches to Generating Electric Power from Biofuels

NOVEMBER 14, 2007

ESPM seminar
110 Barrows Hall

Robert Sawyer
(UC Berkeley)
Light-duty Diesels and Potential Health Impacts

NOVEMBER 16, 2007

CEE seminar
406 Davis Hall

James Doyle
(Naval Research Laboratory)
Simulating the Monster: Perspectives from T-REX (Terrain-Induced Rotor Experiment)

DECEMBER 6, 2007

BASC seminar
775 Tan Hall

Mark Lawrence
(MPI Mainz)
Effects of Clouds on Atmospheric Chemistry: Modeling Studies at the MPI for Chemistry

DECEMBER 7, 2007

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Natalia Calvo
ENSO signal in the stratosphere

JANUARY 22, 2008

BASC seminar
9 Lewis Hall

Gerard Roe
(University of Washington)
Why is climate sensitivity so unpredictable?

JANUARY 29, 2008

BASC seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Doug Worsnop
(Aerodyne Inc.)

FEBRUARY 5, 2008

BASC seminar
9 Lewis Hall

Mark Thiemens
Mass independent isotope effects and the early solar system; paleo ozone, climate change, and the origin of life

FEBRUARY 12, 2008

BASC seminar
9 Lewis Hall

Lynn Russell
(Scripps Institute of Oceanography)
Organic functional groups and iron oxidation states in atmospheric particles

FEBRUARY 12, 2008

PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Reinhard Schinke
(Max Planck Institute)
Dynamical Studies of the Photodissociation of Ozone: From the Near IR to the XUV

FEBRUARY 13, 2008

PChem seminar
775 Tan Hall

Reinhard Schinke
(Max Planck Institute)
The Ozone Isotope Effect: Will We Ever Understand It?

FEBRUARY 13, 2008

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Maxwell Boykoff
The Cultural Politics of Climate Change: Focusing on Mass Media

FEBRUARY 20, 2008

ESPM seminar
110 Barrows Hall

Asmeret Berhe
(UC Berkeley)
The Significance of Soil Erosion for Terrestrial Carbon Sequestration

FEBRUARY 22, 2008

CEE seminar
406 Davis Hall

Michael Hannigan
(University of Colorado at Boulder)
Characterization of PM2.5 to Determine the Source of the Associated Mortality and Morbidity

FEBRUARY 26, 2008

BASC seminar
9 Lewis Hall

Athanasios Nenes
(Georgia Tech)
Aerosol-cloud interactions: the elusive component of anthropogenic climate change

MARCH 26, 2008

BASC seminar
120 Latimer Hall

John Burrows
(University of Bremen)
Exploring the atmospheric chemistry from space: the challenge and the potential

MARCH 18, 2008

BASC seminar
9 Lewis Hall

Robert Harley
(UC Berkeley)
Sensitivity of California's air quality to climate change

APRIL 1, 2008

BASC seminar
9 Lewis Hall

John Chiang
(UC Berkeley)
Pacific climate change and ENSO during the mid-Holocene

APRIL 7, 2008

PChem seminar
159 Mulford Hall

Dan Kammen
(UC Berkeley)
Science and Policy Innovations for a Low Carbon Society

APRIL 8, 2008

BASC seminar
9 Lewis Hall

Phillip Cameron-Smith
Towards an Earth-System Model: The Contribution of Atmospheric Chemistry

APRIL 15, 2008

BASC seminar
9 Lewis Hall

Suzzane Paulson
Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species by Ambient Aerosols

APRIL 22, 2008

BASC seminar
9 Lewis Hall

Terry Chapin
(University of Alaska)
Changing Feedbacks in the Climate-Biosphere System

APRIL 29, 2008

BASC seminar
9 Lewis Hall

Juliane Fry
(Reed College)
Atmospheric chemistry of nitrogen oxides

MAY 6, 2008

BASC seminar
9 Lewis Hall

Alistair Lewis
(University of York)
Ozone and methane removal in the tropical maritime boundary layer

MAY 7, 2008

BASC seminar
775 Tan Hall

Lydia Wegman
Impacts of climate change on air quality and human health in the US and EPA greenhouse gas regulatory actions


LBNL seminar
Building 90, Room 3075, LBNL

Dennis Baldocchi
(UC Berkeley)
Using Biophysical Models and Eddy Covariance Measurements to Ask (and Answer) Questions about Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions


CEE seminar
406 Davis Hall

Bart Croes

SEPTEMBER 16, 2008

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Ian Gabally
Studies of VOCs in the Australian region of the Southern Hemisphere

SEPTEMBER 23, 2008

PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Kristie Boering
(UC Berkeley)
Ozone, Carbon Dioxide, and unusual Kinetic Isotope effects: From the Stratosphere to the Laboratory and Back Again

SEPTEMBER 30, 2008

PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Yuen Ron Shen
(UC Berkeley)
Structures of Water Interfaces Seen by Vibrational Spectroscopy

OCTOBER 2, 2008

BASC seminar
141 McCone Hall

Raymond Pierrehumbert
(U Chicago)
Tropical cloud thermostats: the delusion that doesn't die

OCTOBER 8, 2008

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Bryan Nolan Shuman
(U Wyoming)
Holocene Changes in North American Moisture Gradients - and their Ecological Consequences

OCTOBER 14, 2008

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Noah Diffenbaugh
Dynamics and impacts of fine-scale climate change

OCTOBER 28, 2008

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Joel Thornton
(U Washington)
Do we know where all of the nitrogen goes? Some challenges of quantifying reactive nitrogen deposition to forests

NOVEMBER 4, 2008

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Cecilia Bitz
(U Washington)
Predicting sea ice-climate interactions

NOVEMBER 18, 2008

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Cari Kaufman
(UC Berkeley)
Comparing Sources of Variability in Regional Climate Model Experiments

DECEMBER 2, 2008

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Bill Nazaroff
(UC Berkeley)

JANUARY 27, 2009

BASC seminar
241 Cory Hall

Anthony Wexler
(UC Davis)
Single Ultrafine Particle Mass Spectrometers: A Short History, A Look Ahead

FEBRUARY 3, 2009

BASC seminar
241 Cory Hall

Rupert Holzinger
(Utrecht Univ)
Monitoring organic compounds in both the gas phase and in aerosols: results from smog chamber studies and from the field with a new approach based on PTR-MS

FEBRUARY 10, 2009

BASC seminar
241 Cory Hall

Surabi Menon
Aerosol-climate interactions: Recent and future trends

FEBRUARY 17, 2009

BASC seminar
241 Cory Hall

Rob Rhew
(UC Berkeley)
Biogeochemistry of the Montreal Protocol gases

FEBRUARY 24, 2009

BASC seminar
241 Cory Hall

Robert Bornstein
Cooling Summer Daytime Temperatures in Coastal California During 1948-2005: Observations, Modeling, and Implications

MARCH 10, 2009

BASC seminar
241 Cory Hall

Michael Wehner
Detection/attribution of change to hurricane climatology

MARCH 17, 2009

BASC seminar
241 Cory Hall

Ragu Murtugudde
(U Maryland)
Regional Climate Change Modeling

MARCH 31, 2009

BASC seminar
241 Cory Hall

Ben Santer
Incorporating Model Quality Information in Detection and Attribution Studies: One Model, One Vote?"

APRIL 7, 2009

BASC seminar
122 Barrows Hall

Phil Arkin
(U Mayrland)
Global rainfall reconstruction and analysis

APRIL 14, 2009

BASC seminar
122 Barrows Hall

Amy Clement
(U Miami)
Low-level clouds and climate change

APRIL 21, 2009

BASC seminar
122 Barrows Hall

Suzanne Paulson
Generation of Hydrogen Peroxide by Urban Aerosols and Near Freeway Aerosol Distributions before Sunrise

APRIL 28, 2009

BASC seminar
122 Barrows Hall

Bill Riley
Using radiocarbon measurements and modeling to constrain California's fossil fuel CO2 emissions and transport

MAY 5, 2009

PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Jim Galloway
(U Virginia)
Nitrogen: A Story of Food, Fuel and Fiber


BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Jordi Vila-Guerau de Arellano
(Wageningen University)
What controls the diurnal variability of carbon dioxide and reactants?


BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Marc Fischer
Regional Estimates of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from California

SEPTEMBER 11, 2009

CEE seminar
406 Davis Hall

Mary Gilles
Probing Atmospheric Aerosols by Micro-Spectroscopic Methods

SEPTEMBER 15, 2009

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Kevin Wilson
Understanding the role of secondary chemistry, functionalization and chemical erosion in the heterogeneous oxidation of organic aerosols

SEPTEMBER 18, 2009

CEE seminar
406 Davis Hall

Peter Sullivan
High Resolution Simulations and Observations of Atmospheric Boundary Layers

SEPTEMBER 25, 2009

CEE seminar
406 Davis Hall

Michael Jerrett
(UC Berkeley)
Effects of Automobile Traffic and Air Pollution around the Home on the Development of Obesity in Children aged 10-18 Years

SEPTEMBER 29, 2009

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Jana Milford
(University of Colorado at Boulder)
Air Quality Impacts of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles in Denver

SEPTEMBER 30, 2009

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Petra Dekens
El Padre: Tropical Indo-Pacific conditions in the early Pliocene

OCTOBER 6, 2009

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Annmarie Eldering
Tropospheric Chemistry from Space: TES Highlights and Ideas for the Future

OCTOBER 15, 2009

BASC seminar
141 McCone Hall

Graeme Stephens
(Colorado State University)
Reconciling the character of the hydrological cycle in climate models with Earth observations

OCTOBER 27, 2009

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Jim Randerson
(UC Irvine)
The role of fire in regulating coupled global biogeochemical cycles

OCTOBER 28, 2009

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Tomoko Komada
Carbon Degradation in anaerobic Marine sediments: The Role of Dissolved Organic Matter

NOVEMBER 3, 2009

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Cort Anastasio
(UC Davis)
Hydroxyl radical formation by fine particles in solution and its implications for human health

NOVEMBER 10, 2009

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Jessica Lundquist
(University of Washington)
Rain vs. Snow in the Sierra Nevada, CA: freezing levels, radar brightbands, and mountain hydrology

NOVEMBER 13, 2009

CEE seminar
406 Davis Hall

Mark Jacobson
Review of Energy Solutions to Global Warming, Air Pollution, and Energy Security

NOVEMBER 17, 2009

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Tim Wallington
(Ford Motor Company)
Atmospheric Science and Sustainable Mobility: An Industrial Perspective

DECEMBER 1, 2009

BASC seminar
120 Latimer Hall

John Seinfeld
Atmospheric Organic Aerosols

DECEMBER 4, 2009

CEE seminar
406 Davis Hall

James Schauer
(University of Wisconsin at Madison)
Strategies for Source Apportionment of Atmospheric Particulate Matter in Developing and Underdeveloped Nations

JANUARY 22, 2010

ESPM seminar
112 Hilgard Hall

Philip J Marriott
(RMIT, Australia)

FEBRUARY 5, 2010

CEE seminar
534 Davis Hall

Cristina Archer
Integrating wind and solar energy for a total energy supply in the US

FEBRUARY 10, 2010

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Michael W. I. Schmidt
(University of Zurich)
All You Ever Wanted to Know About Biochar (and other fire-derived soil organic matter) But Were Afraid to Ask

FEBRUARY 11, 2010

EPS seminar
1 LeConte Hall

Jay Melosh
Results from NASA's Deep Impact Mission to Comet Tempel 1

FEBRUARY 18, 2010

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

Alexander Stine
(UC Berkeley)
Observed Changes in the Seasonal Cycle of Earth's Surface Temperature

FEBRUARY 23, 2010

PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Dudley R Herschbach
Let There Be Light: Genesis of Meteor Trails and Nightglow

MARCH 1, 2010

ESPM seminar
159 Mulford Hall

Luiz Martinelli
(University of Sao Paulo)
Biofuel in Brazil: environmental and social impacts

MARCH 8, 2010

ESPM seminar
159 Mulford Hall

Leda Kobziar
(University of Florida)
From the Sierra to the Swamp: How fire drives succession, carbon flux, and future fires

MARCH 11, 2010

University seminar
300 Wheeler Hall

Kristie Ebi
Human Health Risks of and Public Health Responses to Climate Change

MARCH 18, 2010

LBNL seminar
Building 50 Auditorium, LBNL

Charles J. Weschler
(Technical University of Denmark)
Indoor Chemical Exposures: Humans' Non-respiratory Interactions with Room Air

MARCH 18, 2010

EPS seminar
LeConte 1 Hall

James Farquhar
(University of Maryland)
A look into Earth's early environments

MARCH 19, 2010

CEE seminar
534 Davis Hall

Tom Kirchstetter
Evaluating the effects of black carbon on the reflectivity and melting of snow, which contributes to climate change

MARCH 23, 2010

CEE seminar
775 Tan Hall

Jim J. Lin
(Academia Sinica)
Photolysis of ClOOCl and the Ozone Hole: A Molecular Beam Study

APRIL 8, 2010

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

Yi Huang
A longwave radiation spectral perspective on climate and climate change

APRIL 13, 2010

EPS seminar
575 McCone Hall

Jung Eun Lee
(University of Chicago)
Plant hydraulics across geologic time scales: Implications for climate

APRIL 14, 2010

EPS seminar
575 McCone Hall

David Romps
Entrainment in atmospheric convection

APRIL 20, 2010

EPS seminar
575 McCone Hall

Robert Kopp

APRIL 21, 2010

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Rynda Hudman
(UC Berkeley)
Effects of climate change on forest fires over North America and impact on U.S. air quality and visibility

MAY 6, 2010

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

Amy Englebrecht
(UC Berkeley)
A High Resolution Record of Late Holocene Climate Change from Isla Isabela, Gulf of California

MAY 13, 2010

EPS seminar
102 Moffitt Hall

Abby Swan
(UC Berkeley)
Ecoclimate teleconnections: remote effects of the interactions between ecosystems and climate

MAY 17, 2010

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Keith Rodgers
An Increased Seasonal Cycle in air-sea CO2 fluxes over the 21st century in Coupled Climate Models


BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Tina Chow
(UC Berkeley)
Atmospheric turbulence modeling and implications for wind energy

SEPTEMBER 14, 2010

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

David Thompson
(Colorado State University)
Understanding the response of the atmospheric circulation to global warming

SEPTEMBER 21, 2010

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Eric Saltzman
(UC Irvine)
Reactive chlorine cycling in marine air

SEPTEMBER 28, 2010

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Hideki Kobayashi
(UC Berkeley)
Three dimensional modeling of the radiative transfer and energy balance in a heterogeneous oak woodland

SEPTEMBER 29, 2010

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Jeffrey Shaman
(Oregon State)
Absolute Humidity and the Seasonality of Influenza

OCTOBER 12, 2010

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

John Norman
(University of Wisconsin at Madison)
Mapping Surface Fluxes and Drought From Local to Continental Scales Using Thermal Remote Sensing

OCTOBER 13, 2010

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Kurt Cuffey
(UC Berkeley)
Ice, Sea Level, and Contemporary Climate Change

OCTOBER 19, 2010

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Rob Pinder
Sources, Transport, and Fate of Atmospheric Reactive Nitrogen: A Modelling Perspective

OCTOBER 20, 2010

PChem seminar
180 Tan Hall

Kristie Boering
(UC Berkeley)
Of microbes and men: The isotopic composition of atmospheric nitrous oxide since 1940

NOVEMBER 2, 2010

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Peter Adams
(Carnegie Mellon)
A New Model of Global Organic Aerosol Chemistry

NOVEMBER 9, 2010

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Graham Feingold
Self Organization in Cloud Systems

NOVEMBER 16, 2010

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Renyi Zhang
(Texas AM University)
Contributions of Organic Vapors to Nucleation and Growth of Nanoparticles in the Atmosphere

NOVEMBER 30, 2010

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Becky Alexander
(University of Washington)
The oxidative capacity of the atmosphere from the last glacial maximum to the present day

JANUARY 25, 2011

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Klaus Lackner
Direct CO2 Capture from Air Using Moisture Swing Absorption

FEBRUARY 1, 2011

PChem seminar
575 McCone Hall

Margaret Tolbert
(University of Colorado at Boulder)
Aerosols on the Ancient Earth: Lessons from Saturn's Moon Titan

FEBRUARY 10, 2011

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

Steven Wofsy
Slicing the atmosphere: learning about global sources of greenhouse gases and pollutants from global aircraft measurements

FEBRUARY 18, 2011

CEE seminar
534 Davis Hall

Craig Clements
The micrometeorology of fires

FEBRUARY 22, 2011

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Daniel Rosenfeld
(Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Climate cloud radiative forcing uncertainty: the result of two large and highly uncertain opposite effects of nearly similar magnitude

FEBRUARY 25, 2011

CEE seminar
575 McCone Hall

Stephen Siliman
(Notre Dame)
Development of Reliable Hydrologic Data Sets in Difficult Environments: Case Studies from Benin, West Africa

MARCH 1, 2011

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Daniel Feldman
Using Observing System Simulation Experiments to Guide the Next Generation of NASA Earth-Observing Satellites

MARCH 8, 2011

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Randall Martin
Insight into Air Quality from Satellite Remote Sensing

MARCH 15, 2011

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Dale Durran
(Univeristy of Washington)
Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange and the Mesoscale Dynamics of Thin Tropical Tropopause Cirrus

MARCH 29, 2011

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Carl Brenninkmeijer
(Max Planck - Mainz)
Operation and results of passenger aircraft based atmospheric chemistry observatory

MARCH 31, 2011

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Diana Liverman
(University of Arizona)
Governing Climate Change

APRIL 1, 2011

CEE seminar
254 Sutardja Dai Hall

Eigil Kaas
(Niels Bohr Institute)
A hybrid Eulerian-Lagrangian mass conserving transport scheme

APRIL 12, 2011

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Phil Marcus
(UC Berkeley)
Changes in Jupiter's spots, stripes and rings

APRIL 19, 2011

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Frank Keutsch
(University of Wisconsin at Madison)
Oxidative chemistry of biogenic volatile organic compounds: Observations and modeling studies

APRIL 26, 2011

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

David Whiteman
(University of Utah)
Seiches, Sloshing and Other Aspects of Stable Boundary Layer Evolution in Selected Basins of the Alps and Western United States


BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Jennifer Murphy
(University of Toronto)
Atmospheric Reduced Nitrogen and the Coupling Between Surface Fluxes and Particle Formation


PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Richard Saykally
(UC Berkeley)
Selective Ion Adsorption to the Liquid Water Surface and its Effects on Evaporation Rates

SEPTEMBER 13, 2011

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Michael Goulden
(UC Irvine)
How Likely is a Large Terrestrial Feedback to Climate Change?

SEPTEMBER 27, 2011

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Steve Brown
(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Boulder CO)
The Dark Side of Atmospheric Chemistry

OCTOBER 4, 2011

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Adam Sobel
(Columbia University)
Projected Changes in the Seasonal Cycle Under Global Warming

OCTOBER 7, 2011

LBNL seminar
Building 50 Auditorium

Venkatachalam Ramaswamy
Advances in Global Climate Modeling for Scientific Understanding and Predictability

OCTOBER 11, 2011

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Pieter Tans
(University of Colorado)
Climate Change and the End of Exponential Growth

OCTOBER 1, 2011

ESPM seminar
159 Mulford Hall

David Winickoff
(UC Berkeley)
Current Initiatives and Collective Choices

OCTOBER 18, 2011

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Jeffrey Chambers
Forest-Atmosphere Interactions and Net Carbon Balance in the Central Amazon

OCTOBER 19, 2011

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Alessandra Giannini
(Columbia University)
Climate and Society in the Recent Environmental Change in the Sahel

OCTOBER 25, 2011

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Steve Montzka
Shorter-Lived Trace-Gases: Opportunities for Mitigating Ozone Depletion and Climate Change

OCTOBER 28, 2011

CEE seminar
534 Davis Hall

Sonia Wharton
Using High-Resolution Observations for Improving Wind Power Production: Two Case Studies in California

NOVEMBER 1, 2011

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Pier Siebesma
(Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut)
The Role of Cold Pools in the Formation of Deep Cumulus Convection

NOVEMBER 8, 2011

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Jose Jimenez
(University of Colorado at Boulder)
Insights into Organic Aerosol Sources and Processing from Advanced Measurements and Modeling

NOVEMBER 15, 2011

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Stephan de Wekker
(University of Virginia)
Daytime Boundary Layers and Multi-scale Flows in the Lower Atmosphere Over Mountains

NOVEMBER 17, 2011

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

Kyung-Eun Min
(UC Berkeley)
Eddy-covariance Observations of the Atmosphere-Biosphere Exchange of Nitrogen Oxides

NOVEMBER 29, 2011

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Nadine Unger
The Atmospheric Chemistry of Forestry for Climate Protection

JANUARY 31, 2012

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Harold Brooks
Severe Thunderstorms and Climate Change

FEBRUARY 21, 2012

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

John Mak
(Stony Brook University)
From Airplanes to Ice Cores: An Historical Perspective on the Sources of Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide

FEBRUARY 28, 2012

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Timothy Garrett
(University of Utah)
A simple method for diagnosing the dynamic response of cloudy air to diabatic heating and cooling

MARCH 6, 2012

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Joshua Hacker
(Naval Postgraduate School)
Ensemble filters to elucidate model deficiencies: an investigation of land-atmosphere coupling errors

MARCH 13, 2012

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Allen Robinson
(Carnegie Mellon University)
Linking Tailpipe to Ambient: Quantifying the Contribution of Motor Vehicle Emissions to Ambient Fine Particulate Matter

MARCH 20, 2012

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Chris Cappa
(UC Davis)
On the Magnitude of Absorption Enhancements Due to Mixing State of Atmospheric Black Carbon

APRIL 3, 2012

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Sonia Kreidenweis
(Colorado State University)
Particle-Cloud Interactions of Organic-Dominated Aerosols

APRIL 10, 2012

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Paquita Zuidema
(University of Miami)
The search for robust measurements of aerosol indirect effects in the southeast Pacific

APRIL 17, 2012

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Tong Zhu
(Peking University)
Formation Processes and Health Impacts of Atmospheric Pollution in Megacity Beijing and North China Plain

AUGUST 28, 2012

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Elliott Campbell
(UC Merced)
Large historical growth in global gross primary production


BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Hanna Lee
(National Center for Atmospheric Research)


EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

Noah Diffenbaugh
Dynamics of Fine-Scale Climate Change: Greenhouse forcing, heat-waves, and corn price volatility in the United States

SEPTEMBER 11, 2012

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Dargan Frierson
(University of Washington)
Atmospheric Circulation and Precipitation Responses to Global Warming in the Extratropics

SEPTEMBER 11, 2012

PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Ronald Cohen
(UC Berkeley)
Breathing Easier? New Perspectives on the Atmospheric Chemistry of Ozone and Aerosol

SEPTEMBER 18, 2012

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Steven Krueger
(University of Utah)
Multi-scale Modeling: From Droplets to Clouds

OCTOBER 2, 2012

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Thomas Knutson
Hurricanes and Climate Change

OCTOBER 9, 2012

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Yen-Ting Hwang
(University of Washington)
Why is the ITCZ in the North? And why do GCMs have double ITCZ?

OCTOBER 16, 2012

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Jose Fuentes
(Pennsylvania State)

OCTOBER 30, 2012

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Patrick Chuang
(UC Santa Cruz)
Can Meteorology Obfuscate Aerosol Effects on Marine Stratocumulus Clouds?

NOVEMBER 6, 2012

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Kevin Bowman
(Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
Observational Constraints on Climate Forcing: Perspectives from Satellites, Models, and Assimilation

NOVEMBER 13, 2012

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Joost de Gouw
Organic Carbon in the Changing Atmosphere: How Our Energy Choices Affect Air Quality and Climate Change

NOVEMBER 20, 2012

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Chuck Kolb
Atmospheric Chemistry Analytical Challenges: Trace Gas Isotopes to Organic Particle Soup

JANUARY 29, 2013

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Rainer Volkamer
(University of Colorado)
Measurements of tracers of marine organic carbon oxidation and halogen chemistry: implications for oxidative capacity in the tropical troposphere

FEBRUARY 19, 2013

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Jesse Kroll
Oxidized organic aerosol: formational pathways and chemical characteristics

FEBRUARY 26, 2013

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Robert Rohde
(Berkeley Earth)
Measuring the Earth's Land Surface Temperature over the Last 250 Years

MARCH 5, 2013

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Sharon Zhong
(Michigan State)
The characteristics and mechanisms of persistent temperature inversions in the intermountain west of the United States

MARCH 12, 2013

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Cai Yanjun
(UC Berkeley)
Indian monsoon changes over the last 250 kyr -- the speleothem records

MARCH 19, 2013

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Ben Lintner
Controls on South Pacific Convergence Zone convection and its variability

APRIL 2, 2013

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Allison Steiner
(University of Michigan)
The surface forcing of atmospheric aerosols: from local observations to regional circulation

APRIL 9, 2013

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Bob Yokelson
(University of Montana)
Understanding the impact of biomass burning at local to global scales: some recent advances and strategies for continued progress

APRIL 16, 2013

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Paul Palmer
Boreal fires and ozone chemistry

APRIL 23, 2013

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

David Romps
(UC Berkeley)
Cold air that rises, and other surprises

APRIL 30, 2013

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Sue Van Den Heever
(Colorado State)
Dust impacts on the microphysical and dynamical characteristics of deep convective storms

AUGUST 28, 2013

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Elliott Campbell
(UC Merced)
Trace atmospheric gases, retrieved from the measurements of GOME, SCIAMACHY, and GOME-2 on early morning low earth orbit platforms


BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Joao Teixeira
Turbulence, clouds and climate: the sub-tropical cloud transition

SEPTEMBER 10, 2013

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

David Ho
(University of Hawaii)
Relationship between wind speed and gas exchange over the ocean

SEPTEMBER 17, 2013

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Solomon M. Hsiang
(UC Berkeley)
The economic impact of hurricanes

SEPTEMBER 24, 2013

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Eric Gulliyardi
(University of Reading)
Understanding ENSO in CGCMs: from statistics to process-based metrics

SEPTEMBER 25, 2013

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Jessica Tierney
New perspectives on East African climate change from models, proxies, and isotopes

OCTOBER 2, 2013

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Michael Wehner
Extreme Weather in a Changing Climate

OCTOBER 8, 2013

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Andrew Dessler
(Texas AM University)
Climate sensitivity, the water vapor feedback, and the IPCC

OCTOBER 15, 2013

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Dennis Baldocchi
(UC Berkeley)
What is Annual Ecosystem Photosynthesis? An exploration of data and models from ecosystem to globe

OCTOBER 22, 2013

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Zhaohua Wu
(Florida State University)
The ensemble empirical mode decomposition method: a noise-assisted method for physical analysis of data

OCTOBER 23, 2013

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Eric Steig
(University of Washington)
Current Antarctica climate dynamics and ice sheet change: How they are connected and why it matters

OCTOBER 29, 2013

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Bob Yokelson
(University of Montana)
Biomass burning: Recent advances and strategies for continued progress

NOVEMBER 5, 2013

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Paul Ziemann
(UC Riverside)
Comprehensive laboratory studies of organic aerosol formation from the atmospheric oxidation of hydrocarbons

NOVEMBER 12, 2013

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Paul O'Gorman
Contrasting changes in mean and extreme snowfall in a warming climate

NOVEMBER 19, 2013

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Allen Goldstein
(UC Berkeley)
Embracing complexity: Deciphering origins and transformations of atmospheric organics through speciated measurements

JANUARY 21, 2014

BASC seminar
100E Hildebrand Hall

Michael Prather
(UC Irvine)
Can global chemistry-climate models reproduce air quality extremes? Can we use them to predict what happens with climate change?

JANUARY 28, 2014

BASC seminar
100E Hildebrand Hall

Bob Houze
(University of Washington)
Global variability of intense convection

FEBRUARY 6, 2014

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

Jeff Severinghaus
What have we learned about our future from ice core studies of the past?

FEBRUARY 18, 2014

BASC seminar
100E Hildebrand Hall

Daven Henze
(University of Colorado)
Using adjoint sensitivities to constrain and exploit source-receptor relationships in air quality models

FEBRUARY 25, 2014

University seminar
325 Old Le Conte Hall


Katelyn Greer
(University of Colorado)
The polar vortex and winter weather disturbances in the middle atmosphere

FEBRUARY 25, 2014

PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Susan Solomon
Ozone depletion: An enduring challenge

MARCH 6, 2014

BASC seminar
141 McCone Hall

Nicole Feldl
Remote responses triggered by regional climate feedbacks

MARCH 7, 2014

CEE seminar
534 Davis Hall

Brian McDonald
(UC Berkeley)
High-resolution vehicle emission inventories and development of CO_2 monitoring platforms

MARCH 11, 2014

BASC seminar
100E Hildebrand Hall

Alan Robock
(Rutgers University)
Climatic consequences and agricultural impact of regional nuclear conflict

MARCH 18, 2014

BASC seminar
100E Hildebrand Hall

Jim Roberts
The atmospheric chemistry of small molecules and their potential health effects

APRIL 3, 2014

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

Kyle Armour
New perspectives on the role of oceans in transient climate change

APRIL 8, 2014

BASC seminar
100E Hildebrand Hall

Emmanuel Vincent
Tropical cyclone - ocean interactions: implications at the climate scale

APRIL 17, 2014

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall


Daniela Rosa
(UC Berkeley)
Multiscale global atmospheric transport and convective precipitation

APRIL 29, 2014

BASC seminar
100E Hildebrand Hall

Tim Bertram
Chemistry at atmospheric aqueous interfaces: In situ constraints on halogen activation at the air-sea and air-particle interface

AUGUST 25, 2014

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Lixin Wu
(Ocean University of China)
How will Global Warming modulate ENSO variability?


EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

Anja Schmidt
(University of Leeds)
Environmental and climatic effects of volcanic aerosol: past, present and future


BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Marianne Glasius
(Aarhus University, Denmark)
Tracing biogenic secondary organic aerosols and the influence of air pollution

SEPTEMBER 16, 2014

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

John Chiang
(UC Berkeley)
Role of seasonal transitions and westerly jets in East Asian paleoclimate

SEPTEMBER 25, 2014

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

Simona Bordoni
Influence of topographically-forced stationary waves on the East Asian summer monsoon

SEPTEMBER 30, 2014

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Da Yang
(Miller Fellow, UC Berkeley)
The Madden-Julian Oscillation

OCTOBER 7, 2014

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Chin-Hoh Moeng
Kilometer-scale climate/weather modeling and its subgrid-scale transport

OCTOBER 14, 2014

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Camille Risi
(Laboratoire de Meteorologie)
How do water isotopic measurements inform us about moisture and cloud processes: from daily to paleo time scales

OCTOBER 16, 2014

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

Charles Harvey
The fantastic simplicity of tropical peat swamp forests

NOVEMBER 4, 2014

PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Chris Cappa
(UC Davis)
Linking Composition and Volatility of Atmospheric Organic Aerosols

NOVEMBER 7, 2014

CEE seminar
534 Davis Hall

Katie Lundquist
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Multiscale atmospheric simulation for wind energy

NOVEMBER 10, 2014

BASC seminar
775A Tan Hall

Jeff Anderson
Ensemble data assimilation, prediction and uncertainty quantification

NOVEMBER 12, 2014

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Aaron Putnam
(Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory)
Universtiy of Maine

NOVEMBER 14, 2014

CEE seminar
534 Davis Hall

Jorn Dinh Herner
(California Air Resources Board)
Research and California's efforts to clean the air and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions

NOVEMBER 18, 2014

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Annmarie Carlton
(Rutgers University)
Recent trends in particle phase liquid water at the surface and aloft in the Southeast U.S.

DECEMBER 2, 2014

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Dorian S Abbot
(University of Chicago)
The effect of clouds on Snowball Earth Deglaciation and the inner edge of the Habitable Zone

DECEMBER 9, 2014

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Bernard Aumont
(Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systemes Atmospheriques)
Modeling the multiphase oxidation of organic compounds: An explicit approach

FEBRUARY 17, 2015

PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Paul Wennberg
Atmospheric peroxy radical chemistry of isoprene: impact on oxidant formation

MARCH 4, 2015

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Dylan Millet
(University of Minnesota)
Eyes in high and low places: Untangling the sources of atmospheric organic compounds using space-based and in-situ measurements

MARCH 11, 2015

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Jose D Fuentes
(Penn State)
Impacts of air pollutants on plant-insect interactions

MARCH 13, 2015

CEE seminar
534 Davis Hall

Susanne Hering
(Aerosol Dynamics Inc)
A "MAGIC" system for measuring ultrafine particle concentrations

APRIL 2, 2015

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

Peter Hitchcock
(University of Cambridge)
How the stratosphere influences surface weather and climate

APRIL 3, 2015

CEE seminar
534 Davis Hall

Marc Fischer
Quantifying GHG emission reductions for mitigation assessment

APRIL 8, 2015

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Gordon Bonan
Connecting mathematical ecosystems, real-world ecosystems, and climate science

APRIL 9, 2015

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

Pedram Hassanzadeh
Response of midlatitude extreme weather events to climate change

APRIL 15, 2015

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Joanna Joiner
Chl Fluorescence

APRIL 16, 2015

ESPM seminar
132 Mufford Hall

Mariane Glasius
(Aarhus University)
Tracing sources of organic aerosols in urban and arctic environments

APRIL 22, 2015

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

James Smith
Understanding the chemical processes that affect growth rates of atmospheric nanoparticles

APRIL 29, 2015

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

David Thompson
(Colorado State)
Periodicity in the extratropical atmospheric circulation

AUGUST 26, 2015

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Caroline Muller
(Ecole Polytechnique)
What favors convective aggregation in the tropical atmosphere, and why?


BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Jonathan Wright
(Tsinghua University)
The role of rainforest transpiration in initiating the southern Amazon wet season

SEPTEMBER 16, 2015

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

William Collins
(UC Berkeley)
Direct observations of the anthropogenic greenhouse effect

SEPTEMBER 21, 2015

Physics seminar
1 LeConte Hall

David Romps
(UC Berkeley)
The physics of atmospheric instability, lightning, and global warming

SEPTEMBER 23, 2015

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Alyssa Atwood
(UC Berkeley)
Why was there a Little Ice Age? Quantifying climate forcings and feedbacks in coupled climate simulations of the last millennium

OCTOBER 7, 2015

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Bill Boos
Using energy to understand forced and natural monsoon variability

OCTOBER 14, 2015

PChem seminar
180 Tan Hall

Athanasios Nenes
(Georgia Tech)
Understanding the impacts of human activities on atmospheric particles, clouds, storms, and climate

OCTOBER 15, 2015

EPS seminar
Chevron Auditorium
International House

Lucy Jones
The Challenges of Science Communication: What does Storytelling have to do with Climate Change?

OCTOBER 21, 2015

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Michael Goulden
(UC Irvine)
Anticipating the ecological impact of climate change on California's mountains

OCTOBER 28, 2015

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Rob Griffin
Mechanisms Controlling Nitrous Acid Mixing Rates in the Urban Texas Atmosphere

NOVEMBER 4, 2015

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Michael Wehner
Extreme weather in a changing climate

NOVEMBER 4, 2015

University seminar
112 Hilgard Hall

Pete Smith
(University of Aberdeen)
Removing Carbon Dioxide from the Atmosphere: Limits to Negative Emissions Technologies

NOVEMBER 4, 2015

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Benjamin Cook
The Future is not the Past: Megadroughts and Climate Change in Western North America

NOVEMBER 10, 2015

PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Sergey Nizkorodov
(UC Irvine)
Photochemical and Dark Aging of Organic Aerosols

NOVEMBER 18, 2015

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Kazuyuki Miyazaki
A tropospheric chemistry reanalysis (2005-2014) based on an assimilation of OMI, MLS, TES and MOPITT satellite data

DECEMBER 2, 2015

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Brent Williams
Where did you come from, where did you go, where did you come from Aerosol Joe?

JANUARY 27, 2016

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Ed Zipser
(University of Utah)
What determines the intensity of deep convection?

FEBRUARY 3, 2016

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Tina Chow
(UC Berkeley)
Atmospheric boundary layer simulations for wind energy

FEBRUARY 3, 2016

Geography seminar
575 McCone Hall

Alexander Stine
(San Francisco State University)
Some Light on the Tree-Ring Divergence Problem

FEBRUARY 9, 2016

PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Barbara Noziere
(University of Lyon)
Does Physical Chemistry Control Cloud Formation in the Earth's Atmosphere? Conjectures and Questions at the Frontier of Fundamental Chemistry, Meterology, and Climate

FEBRUARY 23, 2016

University seminar
Pauley Ballroom
MLK Jr. Student Union
2475 Bancroft Way

Ralph J. Cicerone
(President, National Academy of Science)
Why We Have Effective Agreements to Protect the Ozone Layer But Not to Stabilize Climate

FEBRUARY 25, 2016

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

Bill Boos
On abrupt changes in monsoons: the response to geologic uplift and next-century climate change

MARCH 2, 2016

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Mark Zelinka
Progress on Quantifying, Understanding, and Constraining Cloud Feedbacks

MARCH 8, 2016

PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall

Thomas Koop
(Bielefeld University)
Atmospheric Aerosols and Clouds: Phase Transitions at Center Stage

MARCH 9, 2016

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Nicolas Marchand
(Aix-Marseille Universite)
Secondary Organic Aerosol dominated by biogenic precursors in European cities: Impact of diesel emissions?

MARCH 16, 2016

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Kathleen Johnson
(UC Irvine)
A multi-proxy speleothem record of Southeast Asian monsoon variability since 45 ka

MARCH 22, 2016

LBNL seminar
LBNL 90-3122

Denise Mauzerall
Climate, Air Quality, and Health: Implications of China's Energy Future

MARCH 30, 2016

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

George Bryan
Large-Eddy Simulations of Hurricane Boundary Layers: A Tale of Two Techniques

APRIL 6, 2016

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Phil Martien
Air Quality, Health, and Climate Protection: Evolving Strategies at the Bay Area's Regional Air District

APRIL 20, 2016

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Debra Wunch
(University of Toronto)
Learning about the carbon cycle using measurements of atmospheric column abundances

APRIL 21, 2016

EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall

Lynn Ingram
(UC Berkeley)
California Climate Extremes: What the Paleoclimate Tells Us about a Warmer Future

APRIL 27, 2016

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall

Nadir Jeevanjee
(UC Berkeley)
Invariant radiative cooling and mean precipitation change


EPS seminar
141 McCone Hall
4:00 PM

Daniel Murphy
Natural and anthropogenic contributions to stratospheric aerosols

SEPTEMBER 21, 2016

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Thomas Lauvaux
(Penn State)
Assimilation of In-situ and Remote Sensing Atmospheric Greenhouse Gas Measurements to quantify Emissions from Anthropogenic Activities

OCTOBER 5, 2016

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

TImothy Cronin
Arctic temperature profiles and their sensitivity to climate change

OCTOBER 12, 2016

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Jeff Chambers
(UC Berkeley)
Tropical forests and the Earth's climate system

OCTOBER 19, 2016

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Celine Bonfils
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Impacts of Anthropogenic Warming, ENSO, and Plant Physiology on Future Terrestrial Aridity

OCTOBER 26, 2016

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Lindsay Yee
(UC Berkeley)
Observational insights into the atmospheric chemistry of terpenes over the Central Amazon and Southeastern U.S.

OCTOBER 26, 2016

ERG colloquium
126 Barrows Hall
4:00 PM

John Chiang
(UC Berkeley)
The Spatial Structure of Tropical Rainfall and Climate Change

NOVEMBER 1, 2016

PChem seminar
120 Latimer Hall
4:00 PM

Steve Wofsy
Arctic Carbon and Atmospheric Composition and Climate: Why osmotic pressure, heat and mass transfer are important

NOVEMBER 4, 2016

Hydrology seminar
240 Sutardja Dai
12:00 PM

Gabriel Katul
Co-spectral budgets link energy distributions in eddies to bulk flow properties

NOVEMBER 9, 2016

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Kurt Cuffey
(UC Berkeley)
The Deglacial Temperature History of West Antarctica

NOVEMBER 16, 2016

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Elizabeth Barnes
(Colorado State)
Extreme moisture transport in the middle- and high-latitudes with implications for forecasting on subseasonal to seasonal timescales

NOVEMBER 30, 2016

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Delphine Farmer
(Colorado State)
Tracking biogenic and anthropogenic emissions of organic carbon over forests and urban regions

DECEMBER 7, 2016

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Jason Surratt
(University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill)
Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Atmospheric Oxidation of Isoprene: Implications for Air Quality, Climate and Public Health in the Southeastern United States

FEBRUARY 7, 2017

Physical Chemistry seminar
120 Latimer Hall
4:00 PM

Joel Thornton
(University of Washington)
An outsized climate effect for organic peroxy radical chemistry

FEBRUARY 15, 2017

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Isabel Reche Canabate
(University of Granada)
Sahara dust footprints in remote lakes

FEBRUARY 22, 2017

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Kelley Barsanti
(University of California, Riverside)
Embracing Chemical Complexity in Biomass Burning Emissions and Mechanistic Models.

MARCH 1, 2017

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Sukyoung Lee
(Penn State)
Tropically Excited Arctic warMing mechanism (TEAM): A Theory for Polar Amplification from a General Circulation Perspective

MARCH 8, 2017

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Carsten Warneke
(University of Colorado, Boulder)
Volatile organic compounds in the atmosphere: emissions from agriculture, oil

MARCH 14, 2017

Physical Chemistry seminar
120 Latimer Hall
4:00 PM

Ron Cohen
(University of California, Berkeley)
The lifetime of atmospheric nitrogen oxides

MARCH 22, 2017

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Jeff Mirocha
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Challenges and Opportunities at the Atmospheric Science/Wind Energy Interface

APRIL 12, 2017

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Zhiming Kuang
(Harvard University)
Some applications of linear response functions in atmospheric dynamics

APRIL 19, 2017

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Kristie Boering
(University of California, Berkeley)
A Tale of Two Tracers: Radiocarbon and nitrous oxide isotopologues and their sources and sinks from recent observations

MAY 10, 2017

BASC seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Toby Ault
(Cornell University)
A robust null hypothesis for the potential causes of megadrought in western North America

AUGUST 30, 2017

BASC seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Mark Thiemens
The use of five isotopes of sulfur to chemically track aerosols over space and time: Implications for atmospheric circulation and climate dynamics


BASC seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Havala Pye
Using compound-specific models to understand particles in the atmosphere

SEPTEMBER 13, 2017

BASC seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Miriam Freedman
(Penn State)
Morphology of organic aerosol at the nanoscale and implications for atmospheric chemistry

SEPTEMBER 20, 2017

BASC seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Kristen Rasmussen
(Colorado State University)
The global nature of convection: Perspectives from the tropical rainfall measuring mission (TRMM) satellite

SEPTEMBER 27, 2017

BASC seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Francina Dominguez
(U Illinois)
Tracking atmospheric vapor: A study of the sources and sinks of precipitation in the Americas

OCTOBER 4, 2017

BASC seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Gretchen Keppel-Aleks
(U Michigan)
Model-data fusion to probe the climate sensitivity of terrestrial carbon exchange

OCTOBER 11, 2017

BASC seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Jian Lu
(Pacific Northwest National Lab)
Distinguishing the mechanisms of the zonal mean atmospheric circulation response to global warming versus El Nino

OCTOBER 18, 2017

BASC seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Rong Fu
Role of vegetation in determining drought and its predictability

OCTOBER 25, 2017

BASC seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Guido Salvucci
(Boston University)
Soil moisture (SMAP) and vapor pressure deficit controls on evaporation over the continental U.S. with implications for ET under climate change projections

NOVEMBER 1, 2017

BASC seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Eric Kort
(University of Michigan)
Using atmospheric observations to study direct and indirect human influences on greenhouse gases

NOVEMBER 8, 2017

Geography seminar
575 McCone
3:30 PM

Bill Boos
Understanding the causes of extreme rainfall over tropical land

NOVEMBER 13, 2017

BASC seminar
575 McCone
2:00 PM

JIm Tucker
(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
Vegetation indices and primary production

NOVEMBER 15, 2017

BASC seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Charlie Koven
Turnover controls on carbon feedbacks to climate change: a comparison of soil and vegetation dynamics

NOVEMBER 29, 2017

BASC seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Richard Corsi
(UT Austin)
Indoor atmospheric chemistry: the importance of interior surfaces

JANUARY 17, 2018

BASC seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Robin Wordsworth
Mars as a case study of an intermittently habitable planet

JANUARY 24, 2018

BASC seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Cari Dutcher
(University of Minnesota)
Understanding secondary organic aerosol thermodynamics, mixing state and phase with models, mimics, and microfluidics

JANUARY 30, 2018

Special seminar
100D Chemistry Library
11:00 AM

Lea Hildebrandt-Ruiz
(U Texas Austin)
The role of chlorine in tropospheric chemistry

FEBRUARY 7, 2018

BASC seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Charles Jones
Climate change in the South American Monsoon System

FEBRUARY 14, 2018

BASC seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Paul Shepson
Halogen chemistry in a changing Arctic

FEBRUARY 21, 2018

BASC seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Jennifer Murphy
(U Toronto)
Atmospheric ammonia, from agriculture to the Arctic

FEBRUARY 23, 2018

Environmental Enginering
534 Davis
12:00 PM

Christopher Cappa
(UC Davis)
Understanding what makes sea spray particles good cloud seeds

FEBRUARY 28, 2018

BASC seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Alexis Berg
Global warming, continental drying? Interpreting projected drought/aridity changes over land under climate change

MARCH 7, 2018

BASC seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Thomas Kirchstetter
Air pollution research in West Oakland: Evolving truck emission rates and a community air quality network

MARCH 12, 2018

LBNL seminar
12:00 PM

Suzanna Camargo
The response of tropical cyclone activity to tropospheric aerosols, greenhouse gases and volcanic eruptions

MARCH 12, 2018

LBNL seminar
2:00 PM

Claudia Tebaldi
Exploring the linearity of climatic changes across warming levels

MARCH 14, 2018

BASC seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Daehyun Kim
(U Washington)

MARCH 21, 2018

BASC seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Pierre Gentine
Climate impact of the coupling between the carbon and hydrologic cycles.

APRIL 3, 2018

PChem seminar
120 Latimer
4:00 PM

Ann Marie Carlton
(UC Irvine)
Realizing additional benefits of federal air quality rules: Particle water chemistry and biogenic secondary organic aerosol controllable fractions

APRIL 4, 2018

BASC seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Christo Buizert
(Oregon State U)
Climatic teleconnections during the last ice age: Postcards and text messages from the North Atlantic

APRIL 11, 2018

BASC seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Trude Storelvmo

APRIL 18, 2018

BASC seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Arlyn Andrews
Estimating greenhouse gas fluxes at regional to continental scales

APRIL 25, 2018

BASC seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Lorenzo Polvani
Why has the lower stratosphere stopped cooling for the last 20 years?

AUGUST 29, 2018

BASC Seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

William Collins
(Lawrence Berkeley Lab / UC Berkeley)
The radiative drivers of climate change: Known knowns and known unknowns


BASC Seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Amato Evan
Understanding and modeling interannual variability in African dust


EPS Seminar
141 McCone
4:00 PM

Alex Turner
(UC Berkeley)
Atmospheric methane: Where did you come from, where did you go

SEPTEMBER 12, 2018

BASC Seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Aditi Sheshadri
Propagating annular modes of the troposphere and stratosphere

SEPTEMBER 14, 2018

Special Seminar
100F Hildebrand Hall
1:00 PM

Marianna Linz
Age of air and the circulation of the stratosphere

SEPTEMBER 19, 2018

BASC Seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Yilin Tian and Joshua Laughner
(UC Berkeley)
Fluorescent aerosol particles: Concentrations, emissions, and exposures in a northern California residence (Tian) / Direct observation of NOx lifetime from space: Challenges and applications (Laughner)

SEPTEMBER 26, 2018

BASC Seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Kerri Pratt
(University of Michigan)
Chemistry on ice: Shedding light on Arctic halogen photochemistry

OCTOBER 3, 2018

BASC Seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Morgan O'Neill
A Hurricane Heat Pump

OCTOBER 10, 2018

BASC Seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Lucy Hutyra
(Boston University)
Cycling of CO2 in urban environments: Disentangling emissions and biological uptake to measure progress in climate action plans

OCTOBER 17, 2018

Geography Colloquium
575 McCone Hall
3:30 PM

Daniel Swain
Thinking about climate risk in an era of extremes: California's increasingly wide swings between drought and flood

OCTOBER 24, 2018

Geography Colloquium
575 McCone Hall
3:30 PM

Adrian Harpold
(University of Nevada, Reno)
Managing forests with less snow: Combing high-resolution observations and modeling to better predict montane forest hydrology

OCTOBER 30, 2018

Chemistry Dept. Johnston Lecture
120 Latimer Hall
4:00 PM

Ronald Cohen
(UC Berkeley)
Greenhouse gases and chemistry in cities

OCTOBER 31, 2018

BASC Seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Daehyun Kim
(University of Washington)
Madden-Julian oscillation: The "holy grail" of tropical atmospheric dynamics

NOVEMBER 14, 2018

BASC Seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Hugo Lambert
(University of Exeter)
Exploring uncertainty in model representation of atmospheric convection through universal structural parameterisation

NOVEMBER 19, 2018

ENV Seminar
502 Davis Hall
12:00 PM

Joshua Apte
(UT Austin)
Think globally, breathe locally: Sensing air pollution for a planet of cities

NOVEMBER 26, 2018

LBNL Seminar
12:00 PM

Matthew Igel
(UC Davis)
Leveraging tropical moisture and precipitation statistics

NOVEMBER 28, 2018

BASC Seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Craig Clements
(San Jose State University)
Observing the wildfire environment: An atmospheric perspective on fire spread dynamics

JANUARY 30, 2019

BASC Seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Catherine Gorle
Predictive simulations of urban flow and dispersion

FEBRUARY 6, 2019

BASC Seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Kyaw Tha Paw U
(UC Davis)
The importance of the vertical layering of canopies and interlayer turbulence parameterization to ecosystem exchange

FEBRUARY 13, 2019

BASC Seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Jiwen Fan
Understanding aerosol impacts on deep convective clouds

FEBRUARY 20, 2019

BASC Seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Allison Steiner
(U Michigan)
Biogenic VOC, oxidation and the forest canopy

FEBRUARY 21, 2019

EPS Seminar
141 McCone Hall
4:00 PM

Allison Steiner
(U Michigan)
The atmospheric life cycle of pollen

FEBRUARY 27, 2019

BASC Seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Dylan Jones
(U Toronto)
Adventures with carbon monoxide: Space-based constraints on the oxidative capacity of the atmosphere

FEBRUARY 27, 2019

ERG Colloquium
126 Barrows Hall
4:00 PM

Alex Hall
The double whammy of climate change for California's Sierra Nevada

MARCH 6, 2019

BASC Seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Georg Mayr
(U Innsbruck)
Understanding and diagnosing Santa Ana winds and their global cousins

MARCH 13, 2019

BASC Seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Jonathan Mitchell

MARCH 14, 2019

EPS Seminar
141 McCone Hall
4:00 PM

Stephan Fueglistaler
Atmospheric hot spots, cold tropical oceans, atmospheric bridges and climate sensitivity: a simple mechanistic model of the tropics

MARCH 20, 2019

BASC Seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Stephan Fueglistaler
Stratospheric Water: Then and now

APRIL 4, 2019

Joint EPS/BASC Seminar
141 McCone Hall
4:00 PM

Inez Fung
(UC Berkeley)
Water in Motion: Mysteries from Northern California

APRIL 9, 2019

Physical Chemistry Seminar
120 Latimer Hall
4:00 PM

Veronica Vaida
(CU Boulder)
Sunlight-driven chemistry at water-air interfaces

APRIL 17, 2019

Special Seminar
401 McCone Hall
10:15 AM

Emily Fischer
(Colorado State)
Supporting women in the geosciences

APRIL 17, 2019

BASC Seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Emily Fischer
(Colorado State)
WE-CAN know more: An overview and early results from summer 2018 Western U.S. wildfire smoke sampling

APRIL 24, 2019

BASC Seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Mike Montgomery
(Naval Postgraduate School)
Advances in tropical cyclogenesis research

APRIL 24, 2019

Geography Colloquium
575 McCone Hall
3:30 PM

Christina Patricola
Characterizing El Nino's diversity and its climate implications

APRIL 26, 2019

LBL Seminar
11:00 AM

Fuqing Zhang
(Penn State)
Predictability limits, data assimilation, and simultaneous state and parameter estimation

MAY 1, 2019

BASC Seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

BASC student talks: Erin Delaria/Ellyn Gray
(UC Berkeley)
Delaria: Measurements of leaf-level atmosphere-biosphere exchange of NOx; Gray: Unraveling the influences of pollution and climate trends on radiation fog frequency in California's Central Valley and Italy's Po Valley

MAY 3, 2019

CEE Seminar
534 Davis Hall
12:00 PM

Tom Kirchstetter
(UC Berkeley)
Monitoring truck emissions and air pollution in West Oakland

AUGUST 28, 2019

BASC Seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Caleb Arata / Alex Valach
(UC Berkeley)
It's Coming From Inside the House! Residential VOC Emissions from Occupancy and Activities / Managing restored marshes for climate change mitigation: The case of water levels and methane emissions


Special BASC Seminar
775A Tan Hall
11:30 AM

Nadine Borduas-Dedekind
(U British Columbia)
Cool cloud chemistry: molecular insights into the ice nucleating ability of organic matter


BASC Seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Adele Igel
(UC Davis)
Microphysics matters: Toward better simulation of clouds and precipitation

SEPTEMBER 11, 2019

BASC Seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Pedro Di Nezio
(University of Texas, Austin)
Can the tropical oceans amplify climate change?

SEPTEMBER 18, 2019

BASC Seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Tony Westerling
(UC Merced)
Wildfire climatology and scenario analysis in support of climate risk assessment and adaptation planning

SEPTEMBER 25, 2019

BASC Seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Allen Goldstein
(UC Berkeley)
Bringing atmospheric chemistry home

OCTOBER 2, 2019

BASC Seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Chris Bretherton
(U Washington)
Is tropical cyclogenesis unexpectedly predictable?

OCTOBER 9, 2019

BASC Seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Travis O'Brien
Producing credible climate projections at decision relevant scales

OCTOBER 16, 2019

BASC Seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

David Battisti
(U Washington)
Equilibrium climate sensitivity controls regional warming uncertainty

OCTOBER 23, 2019

BASC Seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Pablo Saide
Improving regional predictions of atmospheric aerosols based on recent field campaign data

OCTOBER 30, 2019

BASC Seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Brian MacDonald
Quantifying upstream and downstream emissions from oil and natural gas

NOVEMBER 5, 2019

PCHEM Seminar
120 Latimer
4:00 PM

Delphine Farmer
(Colorado State)
Revisiting dry deposition of trace gases and particles in the atmosphere

NOVEMBER 6, 2019

BASC Seminar
141 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Katharine Hayhoe
(Texas Tech)
Resolving the added value of high-resolution modeling for climate extremes

NOVEMBER 6, 2019

Special BASC Seminar
I-House Chevron Auditorium
4:00 PM

Katharine Hayhoe
(Texas Tech)
Science in a fact-free world

NOVEMBER 13, 2019

BASC Seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Ted Schuur
(Northern Arizona)
Vulnerability of permafrost carbon to climate change: Key findings from a decade of measurement and synthesis

NOVEMBER 20, 2019

BASC Seminar
575 McCone Hall
11:00 AM

Jesse Kroll
Atmospheric oxidation of organic compounds: Tracking carbon and refining mechanisms

DECEMBER 3, 2019

Johnston Lecture
120 Latimer
4:00 PM

Paul Wennberg
Harold S. Johnston Lecture: Atmospheric chemistry of volatile organic compounds in the limit as NOx approaches pre-industrial concentrations

DECEMBER 6, 2019

Special BASC Seminar
775A Tan Hall
12:30 PM

Mat Evans
(University of York)
Some experiments in using "machine learning" for atmospheric chemistry

DECEMBER 18, 2019

Public Health
5101 Berkeley Way West
1:30 PM

Sarath Guttikunda
Filling the knowledge gap on air quality in Indian cities

JANUARY 29, 2020

Geography seminar
575 McCone
3:30 PM

Daniel Ibarra
(UC Berkeley)
Drivers of hot and cold past wet states recorded by lakes in the western United States

JANUARY 30, 2020

EPS Seminar
141 McCone
3:45 PM

Alex Turner
(UC Berkeley)
Observing the land carbon sink from space: New insights from solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence

FEBRUARY 6, 2020

Joint BASC/EPS Seminar
141 McCone
3:45 PM

Ken Carslaw
(U of Leeds)
All models are wrong, some are useful (but what came next is most important for climate modeling)

FEBRUARY 19, 2020

BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Carolyn Reynolds
Subseasonal Forecasting with NRL's Global Coupled System

FEBRUARY 26, 2020

BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Tami Bond
(Colorado State)
Black carbon from nanoscale to global scale: Outstanding mysteries

MARCH 4, 2020

BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Becky Alexander
(U Washington)
The sensitivity of tropospheric reactive halogen abundances to anthropogenic activity and climate change

MARCH 11, 2020


Jocelyn Turnbull
(GNS Science, New Zealand)
CANCELLED: The source and fate of fossil fuel CO2 emissions

MARCH 18, 2020

BASC Seminar
Zoom room 7850821285
11:00 AM

Nancy Grimm
(Arizona State University)
Rivers of our dreams: Water futures in urban central Arizona

MARCH 31, 2020

AGU Seminar
9:00 AM

Kristie Boering
(UC Berkeley)
Atmospheric chemistry and climate on a changing Earth

APRIL 1, 2020


John Abatzoglou
(U Idaho)
CANCELLED: How and where climate change enables changing fire activity

APRIL 8, 2020


Sally Pusede
(U Virginia)
CANCELLED: Observing air pollution inequality using high spatial resolution nitrogen dioxide remote sensing measurements

APRIL 15, 2020

BASC Seminar
11:00 AM

Yi Ming
Toward understanding regional hydroclimate change

APRIL 22, 2020


Patrick Brown
(San Jose State University)
CANCELLED: Meteorology and climatology of compound extreme events in wind, insolation, and temperature over the Western United States

APRIL 29, 2020

BASC Seminar
11:00 AM

Michael Diaz/Prabhat
(UC Berkeley)
The formation of monsoon depressions within the South Asian monsoon and characterizing extreme weather in a changing climate


BASC Seminar
11:00 AM

Jeffrey Shaman
(Columbia University)
Transmission dynamics of influenza and SARS-CoV-2: Environmental determinants, inference and forecast

SEPTEMBER 16, 2020

BASC Seminar
11:00 AM

Brian McDonald
(NOAA Earth System Research Laboratories)
Impacts on urban chemistry from the COVID-19 pandemic

SEPTEMBER 30, 2020

BASC Seminar
11:00 AM

Akua Asa-Awuku
(University of Maryland)
Aerosols and Droplets: An exploration of fundamental particles in our evolving world

OCTOBER 7, 2020

BASC Seminar
11:00 AM

Nick Lutsko
(UC San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography)
Designing the antidote to CO2 forcing: A first principles approach

OCTOBER 14, 2020

BASC Seminar
11:00 AM

Richard Seager
(Columbia University)
Recent strengthening of the tropical Pacific zonal SST gradient is a dynamically consistent response to rising greenhouse gases

OCTOBER 16, 2020

CEE ENV Seminar
12:00 PM

Shelly Miller
(University of Colorado - Boulder)
Role the built environment plays in determining exposure risk for SARS-CoV-2

OCTOBER 23, 2020

CEE ENV Seminar
12:00 PM

Linsey Marr
(Virginia Tech)
Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses in aerosols

OCTOBER 28, 2020

BASC Seminar
11:00 AM

Sally Ng
(Georgia Tech)
Organic nitrate chemistry: Insights from fundamental laboratory studies

NOVEMBER 4, 2020

BASC Seminar
2:00 PM

Belinda Medlyn
(Western Sydney University)
Climate change and trees: An ecophysiological perspective

NOVEMBER 18, 2020

BASC Seminar
11:00 AM

Pao Wang
(Academia Sinica)
Reconstructing the climate of China during Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368-1911) using REACHES database of historical climate records

DECEMBER 2, 2020

BASC Seminar
11:00 AM

Yi-Chuan Lu and Camilo Rey-Sanchez
(UC Berkeley)
Extending the Heat Index to quantify the physiological response to future warming (Lu); and atmospheric boundary layer height in the Sacramento San Joaquin River Delta and its responses to seasonality of land cover, subsidence, and advection (Rey-Sanchez)

JANUARY 20, 2021

BASC Seminar
11:00 AM

Park Williams
(Columbia University)
Impact of anthropogenic warming on an emerging North American megadrought

FEBRUARY 3, 2021

BASC Seminar
10:00 AM

Ken Alex
(UC Berkeley)
Implementing Climate Solutions Is Hard: The Case of Methane

FEBRUARY 10, 2021

UC Berkeley Roundtable
5:00 PM

Kurt Cuffey
(UC Berkeley)
The Past Illuminates the Future: Geophysical analysis of past climate changes in Antarctica informs predictions of global warming

FEBRUARY 17, 2021

Geography Colloquium
3:30 PM

Michaela Biasutti
(Columbia University)
Climate Change in the Sahel: What happened? What will happen? How should we prepare?

FEBRUARY 24, 2021

BASC Seminar
11:00 AM

Tracey Holloway
(University of Wisconsin, Madison)
Building partnerships for science on air quality, energy, and health

MARCH 3, 2021

BASC Seminar
11:00 AM

Kate Marvel
(NASA Goddard and Columbia University)
What can history tell us about the future? Using recent observations and paleoclimate proxies to constrain equilibrium climate sensitivity

MARCH 12, 2021

CEE ENV Seminar
12:00 PM

Amy Cardinal Christianson/Don Hankins
(Canadian Forest Service/Chico State)
Celebrating Indigenous Fire Stewardship

MARCH 17, 2021

Geography Colloquium
3:30 PM

Jack Scheff
(University of North Carolina, Charlotte)
Causes of the gap between dryness-index and dryness-impact trends under climate change

MARCH 31, 2021

BASC Seminar
11:00 AM

Geoffrey Supran
(Harvard University)
Fossil fooled: How Big Oil misled America

APRIL 7, 2021

BASC Seminar
11:00 AM

Jim Williams
(University of San Francisco)
Carbon-neutral pathways for the United States

APRIL 20, 2021

Johnston seminar
4:00 PM

Colette Heald
Atmospheric Aerosols and Climate: From Phytoplankton and Smoke

APRIL 21, 2021

BASC Seminar
11:00 AM

Hannah Kenagy and Bicheng Chen
(UC Berkeley Chemistry and CEE, respectively)
Kenagy: NOxthing good ever happens after midnight: the importance of nighttime chemistry for urban NOx loss. Chen: Local source apportionment at the urban micro-scale using large-eddy simulation

APRIL 28, 2021

BASC Seminar
11:00 AM

Lydia Bourouiba
Pathogen transmission and fluid flows

AUGUST 25, 2021

BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Bill Collins
(LBNL / UC Berkeley)
Granger causality framework for detection and attribution of changes in regional precipitation: Application to historical United States rainfall

AUGUST 31, 2021

PChem Seminar
120 Latimer
4:00 PM

Ron Cohen
(UC Berkeley)
Mapping urban air


BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Gabriel Isaacman-vanWertz
(Virginia Tech)
Isomers in the atmosphere: emissions, transformations, and fate

SEPTEMBER 15, 2021

BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Bill Collins and Charlie Koven and Michael Wehner and Chaincy Kuo
IPCC AR6: Insiders' perspectives

SEPTEMBER 22, 2021

BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Inez Fung and Rob Rhew
(UC Berkeley)
Next Generation Earth System Science: What's next on your research agenda? Part 1

SEPTEMBER 29, 2021

BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Rob Rhew
(UC Berkeley)
Next Generation Earth System Science: What's next on your research agenda? Part 2

OCTOBER 6, 2021

BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Andrew Schwartz
(UC Berkeley / Central Sierra Snow Lab)
Fire and rain: Challenges to water resources in a warming world

OCTOBER 13, 2021

BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Nathan Mueller
(Colorado State)
Adapting agriculture to climate change

OCTOBER 20, 2021

BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Mike Pritchard
(UC Irvine)
Advancing global simulation of cloud-aerosol and forest-boundary layer feedbacks using multi-scale modeling and machine-learning parameterization: Status and Outlook

OCTOBER 27, 2021

BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Sally Pusede
(U Virginia)
Observing nitrogen dioxide air pollution disparities in major US cities from space

NOVEMBER 3, 2021

BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Samantha Bova
(San Diego State)
It's getting hot in here: Reinterpreted climate proxies alter understanding of interglacial warmth

NOVEMBER 10, 2021

BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Chris Cappa
(UC Davis)
Respiratory particle emission and control during expiratory activities

NOVEMBER 17, 2021

BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Isla Simpson
Influence of snow density on wintertime temperature variability

DECEMBER 1, 2021

BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

BASC members
(UC Berkeley)
AGU lightning talks

FEBRUARY 1, 2022

PChem seminar
120 Latimer
4:00 PM

Astrid Kiendler-Scharr
Secondary organic aerosol: current understanding of main formation pathways and knowledge gaps

FEBRUARY 3, 2022

BASC Symposium Keynote
141 McCone
3:45 PM

Clara Deser
The Influence of Anthropogenic Climate Change on Natural Climate Variability

FEBRUARY 9, 2022

BASC Symposium Keynote
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Dennis Baldocchi
BASC Symposium Keynote: Lessons Learned about the Breathing of the Biosphere, from a Network of Greenhouse Gas Flux Measurement Towers

FEBRUARY 16, 2022

BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

David Breshears
Drought- and Heat-Related Tree Mortality: Drivers and Consequences

FEBRUARY 23, 2022

BASC Meeting
575 McCone
11:00 AM

BASC Students and Postdocs
Discussion over lunch

MARCH 2, 2022

BASC Meeting
575 McCone
11:00 AM

BASC Students and Postdocs
Discussion over lunch

MARCH 9, 2022

BASC Symposium Keynote
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Kristie Boering
(UCB, Chemistry/ EPS)
BASC Symposium Keynote: Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate on a Changing Earth

MARCH 16, 2022

BASC Symposium Keynote
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Eric Saltzman
(UC Irvine, Earth System Science)
BASC Symposium Keynote: A look at H2 in the rear-view mirror

MARCH 18, 2022

CEE Seminar
534 Davis
12:00 PM

Cristina Archer
(U Delaware)
The Complex Story of How Wind Turbines Affect Near-Ground Properties

MARCH 30, 2022

BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

(No seminar)

MARCH 31, 2022

ESPM Seminar
132 Mulford
3:30 PM

Marysa Laguë
(U Saskatchewan)
From plants to planets: land surface effects on global climate

APRIL 4, 2022

ESPM Seminar
132 Mulford
3:00 PM

Lucas Vargas Zeppetello
How are temperautre and soil moisture connected at Earth's land surface?

APRIL 6, 2022

BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

seminar cancelled

APRIL 7, 2022

ESPM Seminar
132 Mulford
3:30 PM

Alia Khan
(Western Washington U)
From field sites to satellites: investigating biogeochemical drivers of snow and ice melt in the global cryosphere

APRIL 11, 2022

ESPM Seminar
132 Mulford
3:00 PM

James Bradley
(Queen Mary U (UK))
Energy limits and life: the deep biosphere, Earth's cryosphere, and global change

APRIL 13, 2022

BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Charlie Koven
Are there limits, in either direction, to the proportionality of global warming to cumulative carbon dioxide emissions?

APRIL 20, 2022

BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Alexis Kaminski
(UCB, Mechanical Engineering)
Lagrangian float observations of the North Pacific transition layer

APRIL 27, 2022

BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

BASC Grads and Postdocs
Short talks by post-docs and graduate students

AUGUST 24, 2022

BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Manvendra Dubey
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Climate Forcing

AUGUST 30, 2022

CIPS Seminar
131 Campbell
12:00 PM

Huazhi Ge
(UC Santa Cruz)
Water controls heat transport in Jupiter's weather layer: Implication to the evolution and interior of gas giants

SEPTEMBER 13, 2022

Hal Johnston Lecture
Lec Hall 1, Physics
4:00 PM

Kimberly Prather
(UC San Diego)
Tiny critters, huge impacts: Ocean microbes, climate, and health

OCTOBER 14, 2022

ENV Eng Seminar
534 Davis
12:00 PM

Vishal Verma
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Oxidative and Toxicological Properties of Ambient Fine Particulate Matter: A Perspective on the Relative Contribution of Different Emission Sources

OCTOBER 20, 2022

EPS Seminar
141 McCone
3:45 PM

Pierre Maffre
(UC Berkeley)
Building mountainous islands in South-East Asia: A multi-faceted climate cooling process

OCTOBER 27, 2022

EPS Seminar
141 McCone
3:45 PM

Cynthia Gerlein
(UC Berkeley)
The CYGNSS small-sat mission: a new window into the hydrology of wetlands and its consequence for methane emissions modeling

NOVEMBER 2, 2022

BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM

Ji Nie
(Peking University)
Atmospheric circulation shaped by continental drift in paleoclimates

NOVEMBER 9, 2022

BASC Seminar
575 McCone

Michael Falkowski
(Colorado State U / NASA HQ)
Postponed to spring

NOVEMBER 18, 2022

ENV Eng Seminar
534 Davis

Alissa Park
(Columbia U)
Postponed to spring

NOVEMBER 30, 2022

BASC Seminar


BASC grad student/Postdoc talks
Postponed to spring

JANUARY 25, 2023

BASC seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM WED

John Chiang
(UC Berkeley)
A tale of two annual cycles: the remarkable change in Pacific cold tongue seasonality under orbital precession

FEBRUARY 1, 2023

BASC seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM WED

Susanne Hering
(Aerosol Dynamics Inc.)
Enumerating airborne particles in both urban environments and space habitats

FEBRUARY 13, 2023

Physics Colloquium
Physics 1
4:15 PM MON

Alan Robock
(Rutgers University)
Global famine after nuclear war

FEBRUARY 16, 2023

EPS Colloquium
141 McCone
3:45 PM THU

Alan Robock
(Rutgers University)
Benefits and risks of stratospheric geoengineering

FEBRUARY 22, 2023

Geog Colloquium
575 McCone
3:30 PM WED

Tripti Bhattacharya
(Syracuse U)
Understanding future regional hydroclimate through the lens of paleoclimate

FEBRUARY 23, 2023

141 McCone
3:45 PM THU

Sally Pusede
(U of Virginia)
Observing air pollution inequality in U.S. cities from space

FEBRUARY 24, 2023

Brower Center
9 AM - 5 PM FRI

Invited speakers and contributed poster sessions
(please register on the BASC website)

FEBRUARY 28, 2023

Johnston Lecture
120 Latimer
4:00 PM TUE

Jonathan Reid
(Bristol University)
The physicochemical dynamics of exhaled aerosols and airborne disease transmission

MARCH 3, 2023

Env Eng Seminar
534 Davis
12:00 PM FRI

Newsha Ajami
The role of engineering in addressing climate and social priorities

MARCH 8, 2023

GEOG Colloquium
575 McCone
3:30 PM WED

Alan Rhoades
(UC Berkeley/LBNL)
Hydroclimatic change in the midlatitudes of the American Cordillera

APRIL 7, 2023

Env Eng Seminar
12:00 PM FRI

Alissa Park
(Columbia U)
CO2 utilization and storage via carbon mineralization and enhanced extraction of alkaline metals and rare earth elements from unconventional resources

APRIL 12, 2023

BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM WED

Jeff Anderson
(National Center for Atmospheric Research)
Improved Estimates of Atmospheric Tracer Concentrations and Sources: Fusing Observations and Models with Nonlinear, Non-Gaussian Data Assimilation

APRIL 14, 2023

Env Eng Seminar
534 Davis
12:00 PM FRI

Priyanka de Souza
(University of Colorado, Denver)
Making air quality count: Low-cost sensors, public health and urban planning

APRIL 19, 2023

BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM WED

Brian Mapes
(University of Miami)
Conversation starter about two phenomena I study: vapor lakes off East Africa and stratocumulus-deck gravity waves

APRIL 26, 2023

BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM WED

Haiyan Teng
Boreal summer warming in the Northern Hemisphere midlatitudes: Can we disentangle the forced response from the internal variability?

MAY 3, 2023

BASC Seminar
575 McCone
11:00 AM WED

Sonia Seneviratne
(ETH Zurich)
Drought-vegetation-climate interactions in the climate crisis: New insights and future perspectives

AUGUST 30, 2023

Chemical Engineering Seminar
180 Tan Hall
10AM Wednesday

Nadine Borduas-Dedekind
(University of British Columbia)
Selenium in the atmosphere: Sources, sinks, seasonality and even synthesis and mechanisms!

AUGUST 30, 2023

BASC Seminar
325 McCone
11AM Wednesday

Stephan Borrmann
(Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry)
Aerosol physical properties and chemical composition of the Asian Tropopause Aerosol Layer (ATAL): Results from aircraft using in-situ particle mass spectrometry


BASC Seminar
365 McCone
11AM Wednesday

Alexander Knohl
(U of Goettingen)
Impacts of forest to oil palm transformation on greenhouse gas fluxes and surface energy balance: A case study from Sumatra/Indonesia

SEPTEMBER 13, 2023

BASC Seminar
365 McCone
11AM Wednesday

Nick Siler
(Oregon State University)
A unified framework for interpreting variability in precipitation isotope ratios

SEPTEMBER 20, 2023

BASC Seminar
365 McCone
11AM Wednesday

Jose Fuentes
(Penn State)
Air chemistry and climate change in the Arctic atmospheric boundary layer

SEPTEMBER 27, 2023

BASC Seminar
365 McCone
11AM Wednesday

Mark Campmier/Apte Group
(UC Berkeley)
Scaling a Low-cost Regional PM2.5 Sensor Network in North India: Insights in Data-Poor Extremely Polluted Environments

SEPTEMBER 28, 2023

EPS Seminar
141 McCone
3:45PM Thursday

Bill Boos
(UC Berkeley)
Mechanisms and Trends of Monsoon Depressions: High-Impact Storms at the Edge of Earth’s Tropics

OCTOBER 4, 2023

BASC Seminar
365 McCone
11AM Wednesday

Tyler Anthony
(UC Berkeley)
Hot moments of nitrous oxide and methane fluxes drive the majority of annual emissions from soil ecosystems

OCTOBER 5, 2023

ESPM Seminar
132 Mulford
3:30PM Thursday

Compton Tucker
(NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center)
Semi-arid carbon stocks of 9.9 billion trees from 326,000 commercial satellite images

OCTOBER 11, 2023

BASC Seminar
365 McCone
11AM Wednesday

Pallavi Pant
(Health Effects Institute)
Clearing the Air: Advancing Research and Engagement on Air Pollution in Resource-Constrained Settings

OCTOBER 18, 2023

BASC Seminar
365 McCone
11AM Wednesday

Coty Jen
(Carnegie Mellon University)
Nucleation Potential Model for Atmospheric New Particle Formation

OCTOBER 25, 2023

BASC Seminar
365 McCone
11AM Wednesday

Karen Mckinnon
Land surface controls on climate variability and extremes

OCTOBER 31, 2023

Physical Chemistry Seminar
120 Latimer
4PM Tuesday

Eleanor Browne
(University of Colorado, Boulder)
Impact of Sulfur on Planetary Haze: Implications for Habitability

NOVEMBER 1, 2023

BASC Seminar

11AM Wednesday

no seminar
(see 10/31)

NOVEMBER 9, 2023

EPS/BASC Seminar
141 McCone
3:45 PM Thursday

Riley Duren
(U of Arizona)
Remote sensing: tackling humanity’s methane crisis from above

NOVEMBER 15, 2023

BASC Seminar
365 McCone
11AM Wednesday

Michael Kleeman
(UC Davis)
Understanding Sources of Exposure Disparities for Photochemical Air Pollutants

JANUARY 24, 2024

BASC Seminar
265 McCone Hall
11AM Wednesday

Lucas Vargas Zepetello
(UC Berkeley)
Do stomata respond to variations in atmospheric relative humidity?

JANUARY 25, 2024

EPS Seminar
141 McCone Hall
3:45PM Thursday

Nicole Shibley
Fluid Dynamics for Polar Climate and Sustainability

JANUARY 31, 2024

BASC Seminar
265 McCone Hall
11AM Wednesday

Francesca Hopkins
(UC Riverside)
Developing an observational system to for methane mitigation in California

FEBRUARY 7, 2024

BASC Seminar
265 McCone Hall
11AM Wednesday

Geoffrey Vallis
(University of Exeter)
A Simple Model of the Madden–Julian Oscillation

FEBRUARY 8, 2024

EPS Seminar
141 McCone Hall
3:45PM Thursday

Geoffrey Vallis
(University of Exeter)
Hothouse Climates and the Pole-Equator Temperature Gradient.

FEBRUARY 14, 2024

BASC Seminar
265 McCone Hall
11AM Wednesday

Adam Wise/Chow Group
(UC Berkeley)
Impacts of thermally stratified turbulence and terrain on wind turbine performance

FEBRUARY 21, 2024

BASC Seminar
775A Tan Hall
11AM Wednesday

Arlene Fiore
Imprints of climate variability and global change on tropospheric oxidants

FEBRUARY 28, 2024

BASC Seminar
265 McCone Hall
11AM Wednesday

Anna Karion
The NIST Greenhouse Gas Urban Testbed System: Recent results and challenges in urban greenhouse gas emissions estimation

MARCH 4, 2024

Faculty Research Lecture
Alumni House
4PM Monday

Inez Fung
(UC Berkeley)
On the CO2 Trail

MARCH 7, 2024

141 McCone Hall
3:45PM Thursday

Pierre Gentine
(Columbia University)
Machine learning in climate science, from emulation to discoveries.

MARCH 8, 2024

Brower Center
9 AM - 5 PM FRI

Invited speakers and contributed poster sessions
(Symposium information and registration at

MARCH 13, 2024

BASC Seminar
265 McCone Hall
11AM Wednesday

Allison Wing
Convective Aggregation and Tropical Climate in RCEMIP

MARCH 20, 2024

BASC Seminar
265 McCone Hall
11AM Wednesday

Amanda Frossard
(U of Georgia)
Organic signatures of surfactants in atmospheric aerosol particles and the influence of surfactants on particle hygroscopic growth

APRIL 3, 2024

BASC Seminar
265 McCone Hall
11AM Wednesday

Lee Murray
(U of Rochester)
Global simulation of isotopologues to constrain atmospheric chemistry in the deep past and present

APRIL 10, 2024

BASC Seminar
265 McCone Hall
11AM Wednesday

Timothy Bertram
(University of Wisconsin)
When and how do aerosol particles grow in the marine boundary layer: Insights from recent field measurements in the Eastern North Atlantic

APRIL 17, 2024

BASC Seminar
265 McCone Hall
11AM Wednesday

Tianxin Carlos Wang/Baldocchi Group
(UC Berkeley)
Don't be a drag, just be a queen: the reign of surface energy balance under advection at an irrigated alfalfa site

APRIL 24, 2024

BASC Seminar
265 McCone Hall
11AM Wednesday

Quentin Nicolas/Boos Group
(UC Berkeley)
Understanding changes in tropical orographic rainfall with global warming


BASC Seminar
365 McCone
11AM Wednesday

Christian Frankenberg

SEPTEMBER 11, 2024

BASC Seminar
365 McCone
11AM Wednesday

(no seminar)

SEPTEMBER 18, 2024

BASC Seminar
365 McCone
11AM Wednesday

Da Yang
(U Chicago)
The Incredible Lightness of Water Vapor

SEPTEMBER 25, 2024

BASC Seminar
365 McCone
11AM Wednesday

Tiffany Shaw
(U Chicago)
Regional climate change: consensus, discrepancies and ways forward

OCTOBER 2, 2024

BASC Seminar
365 McCone
11AM Wednesday

Dien Wu
(CSU Ft. Collins)
Seeing human imprints on local-scale carbon and water fluxes from space

OCTOBER 9, 2024

BASC Seminar
365 McCone
11AM Wednesday

Lynn McMurdie
(U Washington)
Modification of Precipitation Processes by Complex Terrain: The Olympic Mountains Experiment (OLYMPEX)

OCTOBER 10, 2024

EPS Seminar
141 McCone
3:45PM Thursday

Margaret Duffy
(UC Berkeley)
Mechanisms of the relationship between the pattern of global warming and climate feedbacks

OCTOBER 16, 2024

BASC Seminar
365 McCone
11AM Wednesday

Kaighin McColl
An analytic theory of near-surface relative humidity over land

OCTOBER 23, 2024

BASC Seminar
365 McCone
11AM Wednesday


OCTOBER 30, 2024

BASC Seminar
365 McCone
11AM Wednesday

Dylan Millet
(U Minnesota)
Using infrared satellite-based measurements to understand the emissions and chemistry of atmospheric organic compounds

NOVEMBER 6, 2024

BASC Seminar
365 McCone
11AM Wednesday

Matthew Coggon
(NOAA Chemical Sciences Lab)
Quantifying volatile organic compound emissions and chemistry in the modern urban atmosphere

NOVEMBER 13, 2024

BASC Seminar
365 McCone
11AM Wednesday

Yue Dong
Remote impacts of the Southern Ocean on tropical pattern effects

NOVEMBER 20, 2024

BASC Seminar
365 McCone
11AM Wednesday

Rachel White
(U British Columbia)
From Atmospheric Waves to Heatwaves - Connecting Atmospheric ‘Waviness’ to Surface Heat Extremes

DECEMBER 4, 2024

BASC Seminar
365 McCone
11AM Wednesday

AGU Practice Talks



NOVEMBER 9, 2001

Ed Brook

The ice core record of greenhouse gases and climate

Daniel Jacob

Tropospheric chemistry: From air pollution to global change and back

Alan Plumb

Atmospheric general circulation: Structure, dynamics and variability

Pieter Tans

Monitoring and modeling of greenhouse gases for elucidating global budgets and surface processes, Part I

Inez Fung
(UC Berkeley)

Monitoring and modeling of greenhouse gases for elucidating global budgets and surface processes, Part II



NOVEMBER 8, 2002

Dave Schimel

Observational Constraints on the Global Carbon Cycle: New Measurements for a New Paradigm

Lynn Hildemann

Particulate Air Pollutants

Dennis Hartmann
(University of Washington)

Clouds and Climate

A. Ravishankara

Atmospheric Chemistry of Nitrogen Oxides: Laboratory and Field Studies



OCTOBER 10, 2003

David Battisti
(University of Washington)

Does the Gulf Stream warm Europe, and could its modification cause an abrupt climate change?

Sue Grimmond
(University of Indiana)

Surface-Atmosphere exchanges in urban areas: observations and models

Rodney Weber
(Georgia Tech)

Atmospheric Aerosols: Results from recent airborne experiments and new developments in instrumentation

Sue Trumbore
(UC Irvine)

Using radiocarbon to tell time in the terrestrial carbon cycle



OCTOBER 8, 2004

Michael Goulden
(UC Irvine)

Looking beyond the usual biogeophysical suspects: How does ecology control land-atmosphere exchange?

Clara Deser
(National Center for Atmospheric Research)

Decadal climate variability over the Pacific: what the instrumental record tells us

Eric Saltzman
(UC Irvine)

Atmosphere/ocean cycling of methyl bromide

Daniel Murphy
(NOAA Aeronomy Lab)

Analyzing single particles in the atmosphere



OCTOBER 14, 2005

Alex Hall

Narrowing the divergence in simulations of climate feedbacks

Cynthia Twohy
(Oregon State University)

Properties and effects of cloud condensation nuclei and ice nuclei

Jean Lynch-Steiglitz
(Georgia Institute of Technology)

Abrupt climate change and the overturning circulation of the Atlantic

Paul B. Shepson
(Purdue University)

Cloud and canopy processes in regeneration of NOx



SEPTEMBER 28-29, 2006

Kerry Emanuel

Hurricanes and Climate Change

James Hurrell

The Great 20th Century Drying of Africa

Arlene Fiore
(Columbia University)

Recent and future trends in atmospheric methane: Connecting global chemistry, climate and ozone pollution

William H. Brune
(Penn State)

Searching for unknown unknowns in atmospheric oxidation chemistry

William Collins
(UC Berkeley)

The range of climate forcing and response in projectionsof global change: Problems and prospects for the next IPCC assessment



OCTOBER 4-5, 2007

Isaac Held

The response of the hydrological cycle to global warming

Rong Fu
(Georgia Tech)

Future climate over the Amazon

Jos Lelieveld
(MPI Mainz)

Atmospheric self-cleansing capacity: Clean air for all?

Peter McMurry
(University of Minnesota)

Nucleation and growth of atmospheric aerosols

Bjorn Stevens

Drizzle, showers, rain



OCTOBER 2-3, 2008

Raymond Pierrehumbert
(University of Chicago)

Tropical cloud thermostats: The delusion that doesn't die

David Parrish

Can intercontinental pollutant transport really affect local air quality on downwind continents?

Britton Stephens

Comparing global carbon cycle models to observations is hard, but better than the alternative

J. David Neelin

Rethinking rain in climate models

Beverly Law
(Oregon State)

AmeriFlux network observations and modeling to understand land-atmosphere interactions



FEBRUARY 26, 2010

Michael Mann
(Penn State)

Learning About Climate Dynamics Using Paleoclimate Information From Past Centuries

Barbara Turpin

Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation Through Reactions in Atmospheric Waters

Diane Pataki
(UC Irvine)

Tracing local greenhouse gas sources with atmospheric and isotopic measurements

Paul Wennberg

New discoveries in the photochemistry of isoprene: Impacts on simulations of ozone, carbon monoxide, and other trace gases and aerosol



FEBRUARY 10-11, 2011

Drew Shindell
(Goddard Institute of Space Science)

Measures to Limit Near-Term Climate Change and Improve Air Quality

Uli Poeschl
(Max Planck Institute, Chemistry)

Bioaerosols in the Earth System: measurement, dispersion, and effects

Gaby Katul

Soil moisture feedbacks on convection triggers and the role of soil plant hydrodynamics

Rob Wood
(University of Washington)

Aerosol-cloud- percipitation interaction in warm clouds: is the tail wagging the dog?



FEBRUARY 9-10, 2012

Brian Soden
(University of Miami)

Monitoring and Predicting Future Changes in the Hydrological Cycle

Paolo D'Odorico
(University of Virginia)

Desertification Feedbacks: Soil, Wind, and Microclimate

Jennifer Logan

Progress in Predicting Fires and their Effects on Air Quality in North America

Kevin Wilson
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)

New Insights into the Photochemical Transformation of Organic Aerosols

Joel Norris
(Scripps Institution of Oceanography)

Advances in Understanding Cloud Feedbacks



FEBRUARY 7-8, 2013

Shang-Ping Xie
(Scripps Institution of Oceanography)

Regional Patterns of Rainfall Change in a Warming Climate: Role of Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction

Jonathan Reid
(University of Bristol)

Aerosol and cloud microphysics: what are the uncertainties and do we need to care?

Natalie Mahowald

Aerosol indirect effect on biogeochemistry

Waleed Abdalati
(University of Colorado)

Exploring Ice from Space: Transforming Polar Paradigms

Jonathan Williams
(Max Planck Institute, Mainz)

The atmospheric chemistry of a forest, a forgotten molecule and a football match



FEBRUARY 6-7, 2014

Jeff Severinghaus

What have we learned about our future from ice core studies of the past?

Tom Ryerson

Airborne measurements addressing climate and air quality issues: Connecting local emissions to global impacts

John Harte
(UC Berkeley)

Ecosystems in the Anthropocene: Can we predict their fate?

Colette Heald

Seeing the forest and the trees: Interactions between vegetation and atmospheric chemistry

David Randall
(Colorado State)

How large is the climate sensitivity due to clouds, and how can it be reduced?



FEBRUARY 6, 2015

Whendee Silver
(UC Berkeley)

Minerals matter: How iron redox dynamics drive carbon and nitrogen fluxes from tropical forest soils

Greg Drozd
(UC Berkeley)

Air quality implications of crude oil evaporation: New insights from bottom-up modeling

Harm Jonker
(Delft University of Technology)

Turbulence resolving simulation of weather on the scale of a small country

Nadir Jeevanjee
(UC Berkeley)

Initiation of deep tropical convection by cold pools: mechanics versus thermodynamics, Part I

Wolfgang Langhans
(UC Berkeley)

Initiation of deep tropical convection by cold pools: mechanics versus thermodynamics, Part II

Scot Martin

Green Ocean Amazon Experiment (GoAmazon2014/5)



FEBRUARY 18-19, 2016

Peter Huybers

Pleistocene glaciation and volcanism

Julie K. Lundquist
(University of Colorado at Boulder)

Downwind Impacts of Wind Energy: Measurement and Simulation of Wakes

Barbara Finlayson-Pitts
(UC Irvine)

Ports, Particles, and People: A Glimpse into the Future

Christian Frankenberg

Quantifying atmospheric methane and solar induced chlorophyll fluorescence from satellites and airplanes

Dennis Hartmann
(University of Washington)

Cloud Ice and Climate Dynamics



FEBRUARY 2-3, 2017

Neil Donahue
(Carnegie Mellon)

Finding new chemistry in a steel can: Auto-oxidation, peroxy radical reactions, and near-UV photolysis in the CLOUD chamber at CERN

Alex Guenther
(UC Irvine)

Missing compounds, unrepresented processes, and a next generation biogenic organic emission model

Tapio Schneider

Computing the cloud response to climate change

Tiffany Shaw
(U Chicago)

Understanding storm track shifts: From the seasonal cycle to future climate change

James Zachos
(UC Santa Cruz)

Extreme greenhouse warming and intensification of the hydrologic cycle in the early Cenozoic



FEBRUARY 1-2, 2018

Alastair Lewis
(University of York)

A Tale of Two Cities: What Next for Air Pollution in London and Beijing?

Kimberly Prather
(UC San Diego)

Insights into Mother Nature's control of atmospheric chemistry and climate

James Randerson
(UC Irvine)

Biosphere-atmosphere tipping points and irreversible global biogeochemical changes in deep future time

Benjamin Santer

Atmospheric temperature changes: Evidence for or against human effects on global climate?

Gabriel Vecchi
(Princeton University)

Tropical cyclones: Past, present, and future



APRIL 4-5, 2019

Benjamin Lintner
(Rutgers University)

Land hydrology and energy controls on tropical rainfall

William Boos
(UC Berkeley)

Land hydrology and energy controls on tropical rainfall

Kathleen Johnson
(UC Irvine)

What do East Asian speleothem records tell us about past climate changes?

Jung-Eun Lee
(Brown University)

What do East Asian speleothem records tell us about past climate changes?

Paolo D'Odorico
(UC Berkeley)

Land use and water

Abigail Swann
(University of Washington)

Land use and water

Junjie Liu
(Jet Propulsion Laboratory)

Monitoring carbon dioxide

Ronald Cohen
(UC Berkeley)

Monitoring carbon dioxide



FEBRUARY 6-7, 2020

Ken Carslaw
(University of Leeds)

All models are wrong, some are useful (what came next is most important for climate modeling)

Solomon Hsiang
(UC Berkeley)

Valuing the climate

Loretta Mickley
(Harvard University)

Trends in wildfires and agricultural fires: Implications for climate and air quality

Pamela Templer
(Boston University)

Atmospheric nitrogen deposition in urban and rural environments: Overload or limitation

Zhaohua Wu
(Florida State)

Spectral analysis of a time series: from additive perspective to multiplicative perspective